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  • This layer contains the index tiles for LiDAR data for Tasman South and includes Murchison, Glenhope, Motupiko, Howard and surrounding area captured between 2020 and 2021. - The DEM is available as layer [Tasman - Tasman South LiDAR 1m DEM (2020-2021)]( - The DSM is available as layer [Tasman - Tasman South LiDAR 1m DSM (2020-2021)]( - The LAS point cloud and vendor project reports are available from [OpenTopography]( LiDAR was captured for Tasman District Council by ASL Ltd between 28 January 2020 to 07 May 2021. The dataset was generated by ASL and their subcontractors. Data management and distribution is by Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand. Data comprises: - DEM: tif or asc tiles in NZTM2000 projection, tiledinto a 1:1,000 tile layout - DSM: tif or asc tiles in NZTM2000 projection, tiled into a 1:1,000 tile layout - Point cloud: las tiles in NZTM2000 projection, tiled into a 1:1,000 tile layout Pulse density specification is at a minimum of 4 pulses/square metre. Vertical Accuracy Specification is +/- 0.2m (95%) Horizontal Accuracy Specification is +/- 1.0m (95%) Vertical datum is NZVD2016.

  • This layer contains the DSM for LiDAR data for Marlborough captured between 10 February 2020 and 15 February 2022. - The DEM is available as layer [Marlborough LiDAR 1m DEM (2020-2022)]( - The index tiles are available as layer [Marlborough LiDAR Index Tiles (2020-2022)]( - The LAS point cloud and vendor project reports are available from [OpenTopography]( LiDAR was captured for Marlborough District Council by Aerial Surveys between 10 February 2020 and 15 February 2022. These datasets were generated by Aerial Surveys and their subcontractors. Data management and distribution is by Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand. Data comprises: - DEM: tif or asc tiles in NZTM2000 projection, tiled into a 1:1,000 tile layout. - DSM: tif or asc tiles in NZTM2000 projection, tiled into a 1:1,000 tile layout. - Point cloud: las tiles in NZTM2000 projection, tiled into a 1:1,000 tile layout. Pulse density specification is at a minimum of 4 pulses/square metre. Vertical Accuracy Specification is +/- 0.2m (95%) Horizontal Accuracy Specification is +/- 1.0m (95%) Vertical datum is NZVD2016.

  • This layer contains the index tiles for LiDAR data for Marlborough captured between 10 February 2020 and 15 February 2022. - The DEM is available as layer [Marlborough LiDAR 1m DEM (2020-2022)]( - The DSM is available as layer [Marlborough LiDAR 1m DSM (2020-2022)]( - The LAS point cloud and vendor project reports are available from [OpenTopography]( LiDAR was captured for Marlborough District Council by Aerial Surveys between 10 February 2020 and 15 February 2022. These datasets were generated by Aerial Surveys and their subcontractors. Data management and distribution is by Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand. Data comprises: - DEM: tif or asc tiles in NZTM2000 projection, tiled into a 1:1,000 tile layout. - DSM: tif or asc tiles in NZTM2000 projection, tiled into a 1:1,000 tile layout. - Point cloud: las tiles in NZTM2000 projection, tiled into a 1:1,000 tile layout. Pulse density specification is at a minimum of 4 pulses/square metre. Vertical Accuracy Specification is +/- 0.2m (95%) Horizontal Accuracy Specification is +/- 1.0m (95%) Vertical datum is NZVD2016.

  • This layer contains the DEM for LiDAR data for the Tasman District captured between 28 January 2020 and 30 January 2022. - The DSM is available as layer [Tasman LiDAR 1m DSM (2020-2022)]( - The Index Tiles are available as layer [Tasman LiDAR Index Tiles (2020-2022)]( - The LAS point cloud and vendor project reports are available from [OpenTopography]( LiDAR was captured for Tasman District Council by ASL Ltd between 28 January 2020 and 30 January 2022. The dataset was generated by ASL and their subcontractors. Data management and distribution is by Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand. Data comprises: - DEM: tif or asc tiles in NZTM2000 projection, tiledinto a 1:1,000 tile layout - DSM: tif or asc tiles in NZTM2000 projection, tiled into a 1:1,000 tile layout - Point cloud: las tiles in NZTM2000 projection, tiled into a 1:1,000 tile layout Pulse density specification is at a minimum of 4 pulses/square metre. Vertical Accuracy Specification is +/- 0.2m (95%) Horizontal Accuracy Specification is +/- 1.0m (95%) Vertical datum is NZVD2016.

  • This dataset has been superseded by a new edition (4th edition, 2023) available here: This dataset represents the metamorphic boundaries present at or near the surface. It represents the contacts between different mineral metamorphic facies within the geological units and comprises arcs with attributes describing the type of contact, its accuracy and exposure. The dataset is part of the Geological Map of New Zealand collection produced by GNS Science. The mapping frame within which the features have been observed is defined as surface geology (i.e. the bedrock and superficial deposits that are exposed at the topographic surface or would be visible if the overlying soil was removed). The data structure complies with the GeoSciML 4.1 standard, where relevant, and uses the appropriate CGI Controlled Vocabularies. The dataset is associated with Heron, D.W. (custodian) 2020: Geological Map of New Zealand 1:250 000. GNS Science Geological Map 1 (3rd ed.). Lower Hutt, New Zealand. GNS Science. DOI:

  • This layer contains the DEM for LiDAR data in the Canterbury Region for Christchurch, captured between 18 December 2020 and 17 February 2021. - The DSM is available as layer [Canterbury - Christchurch LiDAR 1m DSM (2020-2021)]( - The index tiles are available as layer [Canterbury - Christchurch LiDAR Index Tiles (2020-2021)]( - The LAS point cloud and vendor project reports are available from [OpenTopography]( LiDAR was captured for Christchurch City Council by Landpro Ltd between 18 December 2020 and 17 February 2021. These datasets were generated by Landpro and their subcontractors. Data management and distribution is by Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand. Data comprises: - DEM: tif or asc tiles in NZTM2000 projection, tiled into a 1:1,000 tile layout - DSM: tif or asc tiles in NZTM2000 projection, tiled into a 1:1,000 tile layout - Point cloud: las tiles in NZTM2000 projection, tiled into a 1:1,000 tile layout Pulse density specification is at a minimum of 8 pulses/square metre. Vertical Accuracy Specification is +/- 0.2m (95%) Horizontal Accuracy Specification is +/- 1.0m (95%) Vertical datum is NZVD2016.

  • Index Tiles ONLY, for actual orthophotos see layer [Tasman 0.1m Urban Aerial Photos (2020)]( Orthophotography within the Tasman District taken in the flying seasons (summer period) 2020-2021. Coverage is of ten urban areas in the Tasman region. Imagery was captured for Tasman District Council by Aerial Surveys Ltd, Unit A1, 8 Saturn Place, Rosedale, 0632, New Zealand. Data comprises: •1056 ortho-rectified RGB GeoTIFF images in NZTM projection, tiled into the LINZ Standard 1:1,000 tile layout •Tile layout in NZTM projection containing relevant information. The supplied imagery is in terms of New Zealand Transverse Mercator (NZTM) map projection. Please refer to the supplied tile layout shape file for specific details, naming conventions, etc. Imagery supplied as 1cm pixel resolution (0.1m GSD), 3-band (RGB) uncompressed GeoTIFF. The final spatial accuracy after orthorectification is ±0.3 m @ 95% confidence level.

  • This layer contains the DSM for LiDAR data in the Manawatū-Whanganui Region surrounding Whanganui and other small areas captured between 8 September 2020 and 3 February 2021. - The DEM is available as layer [Manawatū-Whanganui - Whanganui Urban LiDAR 1m DEM (2020-2021)]( - The index tiles are available as layer [Manawatū-Whanganui - Whanganui Urban LiDAR Index Tiles (2020-2021)]( - The LAS point cloud and vendor project reports are available from [OpenTopography]( LiDAR was captured for Whanganui District Council by Aerial Surveys from 8 September 2020 to 3 February 2021. These datasets were generated by Aerial Surveys and their subcontractors. Data management and distribution is by Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand. Data comprises: - DEM: tif or asc tiles in NZTM2000 projection, tiled into a 1:1,000 tile layout - DSM: tif or asc tiles in NZTM2000 projection, tiled into a 1:1,000 tile layout - Point cloud: las tiles in NZTM2000 projection, tiled into a 1:1,000 tile layout Pulse density specification is at a minimum of >4 pulses/square metre. Vertical accuracy specification is +/- 0.2 m (95%). Horizontal accuracy specification is +/- 1.0 m (95%). Vertical datum is NZVD2016.

  • The Elevation Database contains a collection of separate datasets related to landscape morphology representing a visual snap shot of the earth’s surface. Different instruments and collection methods are used for the different datasets, and the spatial resolution of the datasets are variable. LiDAR data is open source data obtained from LINZ ( GNS Staff, logged in to the Dataset Catalog can access details of the following datasets: o Fixed-wing Aerial Lidar o Terrestrial Laser Scanning o UAV

  • This dataset has been superseded by a new edition (4th edition, 2023) available here: This dataset represents the textural boundaries present at or near the surface. It represents the contacts between different textral metamorphic zones within the geological units and comprises arcs with attributes describing the type of contact, its accuracy and exposure. The dataset is part of the Geological Map of New Zealand collection produced by GNS Science. The mapping frame within which the features have been observed is defined as surface geology (i.e. the bedrock and superficial deposits that are exposed at the topographic surface or would be visible if the overlying soil was removed). The data structure complies with the GeoSciML 4.1 standard, where relevant, and uses the appropriate CGI Controlled Vocabularies. The dataset is associated with Heron, D.W. (custodian) 2020: Geological Map of New Zealand 1:250 000. GNS Science Geological Map 1 (3rd ed.). Lower Hutt, New Zealand. GNS Science. DOI: