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  • The Adjacent Name data table is part of [NZ Suburbs and Localities Dataset]( This table enables users to identify all neighbouring suburbs and localities. --- [NZ Suburbs and Localities]( is an easy to use layer generated from the normalised NZ Suburbs and Localities Dataset. It describes the spatial extent and name of communities in urban areas (suburbs) and rural areas (localities) for navigation and location purposes. The suburb and locality boundaries cover New Zealand including North Island, South Island, Stewart Island/Rakiura, Chatham Islands, and nearby offshore islands. Each suburb and locality is assigned a name, major name, Territorial Authority and, if appropriate, additional in use names. A population estimate is provided for each suburb and locality by Stats NZ. For more information please refer to the NZ Suburbs and Localities Guidance documents: [Data Dictionary]( [Change Request Process]( [Change Request Principles, Requirements and Rules]( Changes to NZ Suburbs and Localities can be requested by emailing []( Suburbs and Localities Change Request)

  • This is the look-up table for Mass View and is part of the set of District Valuation Roll (DVR) data. The Mass View look-up table is used by the NZ Properties: National District Valuation Roll table. Look-up tables are provided to make it easier to interpret coded DVR attributes and are given as reference data, pre-populated with fixed values defined in the Rating Valuations Rules 2008. **More information** Please refer to the [NZ Properties Data Dictionary]( for detailed metadata and information about this table.

  • This is the look-up table for Actual Property Use and is part of the set of District Valuation Roll (DVR) data. The Actual Property Use look-up table is used by the NZ Properties: National District Valuation Roll table. Look-up tables are provided to make it easier to interpret coded DVR attributes and are given as reference data, pre-populated with fixed values defined in the Rating Valuations Rules 2008. **More information** Please refer to the [NZ Properties Data Dictionary]( for detailed metadata and information about this table.

  • The Territorial Authority data table is part of [NZ Suburbs and Localities Dataset]( This table contains the linkage between suburbs and localities data and Territorial Authorities. Most suburbs and localities are located in one or multiple Territorial Authorities. Please note some offshore islands are not included in Territorial Authority boundaries. --- [NZ Suburbs and Localities]( is an easy to use layer generated from the normalised NZ Suburbs and Localities Dataset. It describes the spatial extent and name of communities in urban areas (suburbs) and rural areas (localities) for navigation and location purposes. The suburb and locality boundaries cover New Zealand including North Island, South Island, Stewart Island/Rakiura, Chatham Islands, and nearby offshore islands. Each suburb and locality is assigned a name, major name, Territorial Authority and, if appropriate, additional in use names. A population estimate is provided for each suburb and locality by Stats NZ. For more information please refer to the NZ Suburbs and Localities Guidance documents: [Data Dictionary]( [Change Request Process]( [Change Request Principles, Requirements and Rules]( Changes to NZ Suburbs and Localities can be requested by emailing []( Suburbs and Localities Change Request)

  • This pilot dataset provides a non-spatial relationship between unit_of_property_id and address_id from the [NZ Addresses]( dataset. This table provides a PDMF-compliant link between property and address. The data is updated on a weekly basis. **Related tables** Please refer to the [NZ Properties Data Dictionary]( for detailed metadata and information about this table and its relationships to other tables in this collection.

  • The Major Name data table is part of [NZ Suburbs and Localities Dataset]( Major names describe the wider area in which the boundary is located. --- [NZ Suburbs and Localities]( is an easy to use layer generated from the normalised NZ Suburbs and Localities Dataset. It describes the spatial extent and name of communities in urban areas (suburbs) and rural areas (localities) for navigation and location purposes. The suburb and locality boundaries cover New Zealand including North Island, South Island, Stewart Island/Rakiura, Chatham Islands, and nearby offshore islands. Each suburb and locality is assigned a name, major name, Territorial Authority and, if appropriate, additional in use names. A population estimate is provided for each suburb and locality by Stats NZ. For more information please refer to the NZ Suburbs and Localities Guidance documents: [Data Dictionary]( [Change Request Process]( [Change Request Principles, Requirements and Rules]( Changes to NZ Suburbs and Localities can be requested by emailing []( Suburbs and Localities Change Request)

  • This pilot dataset provides a representation of the boundaries of all known properties in New Zealand. It consists of a unique identifier for a property, with spatial property boundaries, but no additional attribution. Each spatial object in this table has an assigned unit_of_property_id, and is created using land parcels and the Landonline: Title Parcel Associations table. This dataset delivers spatial representations of property boundaries for use in mapping products where only a boundary needs to be displayed. Initially this table is derived using records in the District Valuation Roll (DVR) that meet the requirements for a rated property, as defined by the Rating Valuation Rules 2008. However, in future it could be expanded to include other property perspectives, as listed in the Perspective table. The table is updated on a weekly basis. **Related tables** Together with the NZ Properties: Property-Title Reference table, this dataset will provide a full replica of the National DVR. Please refer to the [NZ Properties Data Dictionary]( for detailed metadata and information about this table and its relationships to other tables in this collection.

  • This is the look-up table for Rental Type and is part of the set of District Valuation Roll (DVR) data. The Rental Type look-up table is used by the NZ Properties: National District Valuation Roll table. Look-up tables are provided to make it easier to interpret coded DVR attributes and are given as reference data, pre-populated with fixed values defined in the Rating Valuations Rules 2008. **More information** Please refer to the [NZ Properties Data Dictionary]( for detailed metadata and information about this table.

  • This pilot dataset provides a non-spatial data table linked to the unique Unit of Property ID. The table contains local Territorial Authority (TA) IDs. In future this may change to become a number of tables with potentially other property-related links included. PLEASE NOTE: This subset dataset is limited to only to properties that are recorded in data provided by Territorial Authorities that have given permission for their District Valuation Roll data to be made public by Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand. This dataset complements the NZ Properties: National District Valuation Roll Subset dataset. A complete national dataset of the NZ Properties: Perspective table is also available [here]( This table forms part of a national set of Connected Property Data conforming to the Property Data Management Framework (PDMF) that will deliver packages of data about properties. This is known as the NZ Property Spine. Initially, properties represented in the NZ Property Spine will meet the definition of a rating unit as defined by the Rating Valuation Rules 2008 (for the Valuation perspective). Future properties will meet the rules defined for their appropriate perspectives. The Perspective for each property in the Valuation perspective of the NZ Property Spine is listed in this table. The table contains the fields perspective_type and source_id that allow identification of the type of property, and the source of the property. A property must have one or more perspectives. The table is updated on a weekly basis. **Related tables** Together with the NZ Properties: Property Title Reference Subset and NZ Properties: Unit of Property Subset tables, this dataset will provide a subset of a national spatial representation of property boundaries along with the type and source of the property. Otherwise known as the NZ Property Spine. Please refer to the [NZ Properties Data Dictionary]( for detailed metadata and information about this table and its relationships to other tables in this collection.

  • The Population data table is part of [NZ Suburbs and Localities Dataset]( This table contains the population estimate for each suburb and locality, provided by StatsNZ. --- [NZ Suburbs and Localities]( is an easy to use layer generated from the normalised NZ Suburbs and Localities Dataset. It describes the spatial extent and name of communities in urban areas (suburbs) and rural areas (localities) for navigation and location purposes. The suburb and locality boundaries cover New Zealand including North Island, South Island, Stewart Island/Rakiura, Chatham Islands, and nearby offshore islands. Each suburb and locality is assigned a name, major name, Territorial Authority and, if appropriate, additional in use names. A population estimate is provided for each suburb and locality by Stats NZ. For more information please refer to the NZ Suburbs and Localities Guidance documents: [Data Dictionary]( [Change Request Process]( [Change Request Principles, Requirements and Rules]( Changes to NZ Suburbs and Localities can be requested by emailing []( Suburbs and Localities Change Request)