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  • GeoNet Aotearoa/New Zealand automatically collected landslide data are archived and publicly available. The dataset is generated by GeoNet's Low Rate Data Collection Platform (LRDCP), consisting of a range of environmental sensors connected to an industry standard data logger. The interval between observations in the dataset is normally 10 minutes. The dataset includes the following observations: Soil properties (e.g. moisture and temperature) Rainfall Extension/contraction of cracks and fractures Ground tilt Weather observations (in development) The dataset can be accessed through the Tilde API (, producing data in ASCII or JSON format. There is also a data visualization tool available here: Instrument and site information are held in the GeoNet public metadata repository ( This dataset is joint funded through HRM SSIF funding (HRM Climate-Induced Landslides) and through GeoNet ( DOI: Cite as: GNS Science. (2019). GeoNet Aotearoa New Zealand automatically collected landslide data [Data set]. GNS Science. doi:10.21420/A0JV-6W73.

  • GeoNet Aotearoa/New Zealand ScanDOAS volcano time series data are archived and publicly available. The dataset consists of automatically collected observations from scanDOAS instruments, measuring sulfur dioxide flux. Observations are made only during daylight hours. The dataset can be accessed through FITS (, producing data in CSV format or SVG image format. Information on the API documentation can be found here: More details on the Volcano Monitoring Time Series can be found here: This dataset is funded through DOI: Cite as: GNS Science. 2022. GeoNet Aotearoa New Zealand ScanDOAS data [Data set]. GNS Science. doi:10.21420/HC1T-QJ63.

  • The GeoNet Aotearoa/New Zealand Coastal Tsunami Gauge Digital Waveform data are archived and publicly available. This dataset includes data from the GeoNet permanent network deployments. Data are recorded from water pressure sensors and are available as: 1) raw pressure measurements distributed in miniSEED format and 2) as water height and de-tided water height, as derived measurements distributed using the CREX format. Instrument and site information are held in the GeoNet public metadata repository. MiniSEED raw data are made available via FDSN and FDSN-NRT webservices. To download large volumes of data please contact More information about FDSN can be found here: CREX derived data are made available via Visualisation of these gauges and more information can be found here: The dataset can be accessed through the Tilde API (, producing data in ASCII or JSON format. There is also a data visualization tool available here: This dataset consists of continuous data measured since March 2007 and is ongoing. The geographic distribution of this dataset covers mainland Aotearoa/NZ and includes Raoul and Chatham Islands. DOI: Cite as: GNS Science. (2007). GeoNet Aotearoa New Zealand Coastal Tsunami Gauge Digital Waveform Dataset [Data set]. GNS Science.

  • GeoNet Aotearoa/New Zealand manually collected volcano time series data are archived and publicly available. The dataset consists of manually collected observations from scientists visiting volcanoes. The observation frequency varies depending on the data type, location, and collection method. The dataset includes the following observations: Chemistry of lakes, springs, and streams Volcanic gas emission rates Vertical ground deformation Lake and spring temperatures The dataset can be accessed through Tilde (, producing data in CSV or JSON format. A Data Discovery application is also available ( More details on the Volcano Monitoring Time Series can be found here: This dataset is funded through Some data pre-date GeoNet. We would like to acknowledge contributions from the Volcano Monitoring Group and other GNS Science staff. DOI: Cite as: GNS Science. (1954). GeoNet Aotearoa New Zealand manually collected volcano data [Data set]. GNS Science. doi:10.21420/PSP7-KW60.

  • The GeoNet Aotearoa New Zealand Glossary of Data-related terms is a glossary used within the GeoNet programme. The Glossary is a set of terminologies adapted and used to define in a generalized form and plain language terms and concepts associated with the generation of GeoNet data products. This dataset is funded through DOI: Cite as: GNS Science. (2021). GeoNet Aotearoa New Zealand Glossary of Data-related terms [Data set]. GNS Science.

  • GeoNet Aotearoa/New Zealand automatically collected volcano data are archived and publicly available. The dataset is generated by GeoNet's Low Rate Data Collection Platform (LRDCP), consisting of a range of environmental sensors connected to an industry standard data logger. The interval between observations in the dataset is normally 10 minutes. The dataset includes the following observations: Temperature of volcanic features (e.g. fumaroles and springs) Water level of volcanic lakes and springs Complimentary air temperature and rainfall Chemical composition of volcanic gases (in development) The dataset can be accessed through the Tilde API (, producing data in ASCII or JSON format. There is also a data visualization tool available here: Instrument and site information are held in the GeoNet public metadata repository ( This dataset is funded through DOI: Cite as: GNS Science. (2018). GeoNet Aotearoa New Zealand automatically collected volcano data [Data set]. GNS Science. doi:10.21420/EN0F-XY29.

  • A list of known seismological events compiled from oral and written history, and since the 1930s, from instrumental readings. DOI: Cite as: GNS Science. (2022). New Zealand Earthquake Catalogue for the revision of the 2022 National Seismic Hazard Model (NSHM) [Data set]. GNS Science.

  • Data in Receiver Independent Exchange Format (RINEX) from the New Zealand continuous GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) network. Data accessible here: Data are available as 24 hours compressed RINEX files at 30 seconds sampling rate. For a selection of stations, 1 second sampled uncompressed RINEX files are also available for the last two months ( Information about the GeoNet Geodetic Network can be found here: Site metadata can be found within the delta repository and data tutorials can be found here: RINEX data is also avaiable through the open AWS bucket, information on how to access this can be found here: DOI: Cite as: GNS Science. (1995). GeoNet Aotearoa New Zealand Continuous GNSS Network RINEX Files [Data set]. GNS Science. Data are from the GeoNet and PositioNZ ( GNSS networks, with contribution from Otago University ( and NIWA ( GNSS stations.

  • GeoNet Aotearoa/New Zealand volcano webcam image data are archived and publicly available. The dataset is generated by GeoNet's volcano web camera (webcam) network, consisting of cameras viewing active and potentially active volcanoes. The interval between images in the dataset is normally 10 minutes. The most recent image can be accessed through a simple URL (, specifying volcano, camera and image size. This is suitable for building applications that access the latest images. The last 100 images are available through a GeoNet web page ( This is suitable for casual monitoring of changes in activity. All images are available at original size at the GeoNet data site (, and at AWS Open Data ( AWS Open Data is recommended for bulk and routine downloads. Instrument and site information are held in the GeoNet public metadata repository ( This dataset is funded through DOI: Cite as: GNS Science. (2018). GeoNet Aotearoa New Zealand volcano webcam image data [Data set]. GNS Science. doi:10.21420/vq6s-w222.

  • Data in binary and Receiver Independent Exchange Format (RINEX) from the New Zealand continuous GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) network. Data accessible here: Data are available for the days surrounding major geologic events from 2013 to present. High rate GNSS data are manually retrieved, so there is no guarantee that data will be available after every event. Data are available as raw andRINEX files at 1 second and 0.1 second sampling rates. All events will have 1 second data available. 0.1 second data are available for significant earthquake events and for nearfield stations. Please refer to the GeoNet website for more details on available events: Information about the GeoNet Geodetic Network can be found here: Site metadata can be found within the delta repository and data tutorials can be found here: DOI: Cite as: GNS Science. (2021). GeoNet Aotearoa New Zealand Continuous GNSS Network Event High Rate (Raw and RINEX files) [Data set]. GNS Science. Data are from the GeoNet and PositioNZ ( GNSS networks, with contribution from Otago University ( and NIWA ( GNSS stations.