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  • The dataset is composed of the original sheets on which the fields were recorded by light on photographic paper. Each sheet holds 24 hours of three recorded magnetic field components. Most of the components were labelled XYZ; some were labelled DHZ (e.g. 1991 magnetograms), and others were not labelled at all (e.g. 1966 magnetograms). Scott Base (SBA) 1957 – 1991 DOI: Cite as: GNS Science. (2022). Scott Base (SBA) paper magnetograms . GNS Science.

  • 2021 Definitive 1-minute Scott Base (SBA) data is continuous 1-second data recorded by New Zealand's Geomagnetic Observatories SBA in 2021 that was processed at 1-minute sampling, cleaned (spikes removed) and baseline (absolute values) corrected following INTERMAGNET guidelines. The data was submitted to INTERMAGNET in May 2022 and passed the INTERMAGNET reviewing process. DOI Cite as: Thornton, M., McGaw, J., Tran, H., Shaw, S. (2021). 2021 Definitive 1-minute Scott Base (SBA) data. GNS Science, INTERMAGNET.

  • Preliminary 1-second and 1-minute Scott Base (SBA) data are submitted to INTERMAGNET in a standardized file format (IAGA-2002) every hour. The data can be downloaded via a free web access provided by INTERMAGNET at (Data Type: ‘provisional’). 1-minute (Sample Rate: ‘minute’) ‘provisional’ SBA data are available since 1996. 1-second data (Sample Rate: ‘second’) ‘provisional’ SBA data are available since 2012. DOI: Cite data as: GNS Science. (2022). Preliminary 1-second and 1-minute data from Scott Base (SBA) [Data set]. INTERMAGNET.

  • 2022 Definitive 1-minute Scott Base (SBA) data is continuous 1-second data recorded by New Zealand's Geomagnetic Observatories SBA in 2022 that was processed at 1-minute sampling, cleaned (spikes removed) and baseline (absolute values) corrected following INTERMAGNET guidelines. The data was submitted to INTERMAGNET in May 2023 and passed the INTERMAGNET reviewing process. DOI Cite as: Thornton, M., Goodyear, G., Shaw, S. (2022). 2022 Definitive 1-minute Scott Base (SBA) data. GNS Science, INTERMAGNET.

  • Continuous data recorded by New Zealand's Geomagnetic Observatories SBA processed at 1-minute sampling and baseline (absolute values) corrected. The data is being submitted to INTERMAGNET annually (submitted by July 1st for the previous year’s data Jan 1 to 31 Dec). SBA data since 1-Jan-1996 Before the definitive data for each year is being published via INTERMAGNET an international multi-step reviewing process is being applied to ensure international standards are being met. DOI Cite as: GNS Science. (1996). Definitive 1-minute Scott Base (SBA ) data [Data set]. GNS Science, INTERMAGNET.

  • 2018 Definitive 1-minute Eyrewell (EYR) data is continuous 1-second data recorded by New Zealand's Geomagnetic Observatories EYR in 2018 that was processed at 1-minute sampling, cleaned (spikes removed) and baseline (absolute values) corrected. The data was submitted to INTERMAGNET in July 2019 and passed the INTERMAGNET reviewing process. DOI Cite as: GNS Science, Petersen, T., Plank, G., & Plank, J. (2019). 2018 Definitive 1-minute Eyrewell (EYR) data [Data set]. INTERMAGNET.

  • The dataset is composed of the original sheets on which the fields were recorded by light on photographic paper. Each magnetogram sheet holds a record of 24 hours. Normally the magnetic field components H and D are recorded; some years in addition do have recordings of the Z component. Apia (API) 1907 – 1913 Apia (API) 1932 – 1955 There are magnetograms for 1956 - 1994, but they are not complete and the contents need yet to be specified. For 1907 - 1913, magnetograms for H and D are mostly complete. The years 1908 - 1911 have some additional magnetograms that might be for the Z component. GNS Science does not hold records from 1914 to 1931. After the long gap, there are fewer magnetograms for 1932 - 1936; from 1937 - 1955, each year has magnetograms for H, D & Z for most days. There are Apia rapid runs available for 1956 - 1978, and 1983-1986, and Apia Wider Range (WR) from 1977, 1979, 1980, 1983, 1985, 1986. Some of the records were received from the University of Göttingen, Germany, who originally established this magnetic station. DOI: Cite as: GNS Science. (2022). Apia (API) paper magnetograms . GNS Science.

  • 2016 Definitive 1-minute Apia (API) data is continuous 1-second data recorded by New Zealand's Geomagnetic Observatory Apia in 2016 that was processed at 1-minute sampling, cleaned (spikes removed) and baseline (absolute values) corrected. The data was submitted to INTERMAGNET in July 2017 and passed the INTERMAGNET reviewing process. DOI Cite as: Petersen, T., GNS Science, Samoa Meteorology Division, & USGS. (2017). 2016 Definitive 1-minute Apia (API) data. GNS Science, INTERMAGNET.

  • 2015 Definitive 1-minute Apia (API) data is continuous 1-second data recorded by New Zealand's Geomagnetic Observatory Apia in 2015 that was processed at 1-minute sampling, cleaned (spikes removed) and baseline (absolute values) corrected. The data was submitted to INTERMAGNET in July 2016 and passed the INTERMAGNET reviewing process. DOI Cite as: Petersen, T., GNS Science, Samoa Meteorology Division, & USGS. (2016). 2015 Definitive 1-minute Apia (API) data. GNS Science, INTERMAGNET.

  • 2014 Definitive 1-minute Scott Base (SBA) data is continuous 1-second data recorded by New Zealand's Geomagnetic Observatories SBA in 2014 that was processed at 1-minute sampling, cleaned (spikes removed) and baseline (absolute values) corrected. The data was submitted to INTERMAGNET in July 2015 and passed the INTERMAGNET reviewing process. DOI: Cite as: Petersen, T., & GNS Science. (2015). 2014 Definitive 1-minute Scott Base (SBA) data [Data set]. INTERMAGNET.