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  • This vector data layer spatially represents chronostratigraphic grid based on the International Chronostratigraphic Chart (v 2021/10). Updates to this information areavailable at This gridwas constructed using EPSG:4978 (WGS 84). It is also suitable for projection in EPSG:3031 (WGS 84/Antarctic Polar Stereographic). DOI

  • This dataset has been superseded by a new edition (4th edition, 2023) available here: This dataset represents the sources used to compile the geological datasets. The dataset is part of the Geological Map of New Zealand collection produced by GNS Science. The dataset is associated with Heron, D.W. (custodian) 2020: Geological Map of New Zealand 1:250 000. GNS Science Geological Map 1 (3rd ed.). Lower Hutt, New Zealand. GNS Science. DOI:

  • This collection of datasets contains the 1:50 000 geological data for the Middlemarch area, East Otago, New Zealand (Topo50 sheet CD16). They spatially represents an interpretation of geological and geophysical information compiled from new field work and existing data. The mapping frame for the majority of datasets is defined as surface geology (i.e. the bedrock and superficial deposits that would be visible if the overlying soil was removed or are exposed at the topographic surface). The data structure complies with the GeoSciML Portrayal standard where one exists and fields required by that standard were populated using the CGI Controlled Vocabulary (2012-11). The data should not be used at scales beyond that for which it was prepared. The spatial accuracy is estimated to be no better than +/- 100 m. The datasets were produced by GNS Science and are associated with Martin, A.P.; Cox, S.C.; Smith Lyttle, B. 2016: Geology of the Middlemarch area 1:50 000. GNS Science geological map 5. Lower Hutt, New Zealand. GNS Science.

  • This vector data layer spatially represents a subdivision of geologic ages using the framework of the International Geological Time Scale. It depicts a standard scale used to express the history of the Earth. This layer was constructed using EPSG:4978 (WGS 84). It is also suitable for projection in EPSG:3031 (WGS 84/Antarctic Polar Stereographic). DOI

  • This layer comprises a quality assessment of the compiled data for SCAR GeoMAP v.2022-08 geological dataset of Antarctica. It represents an assessment of the extent of data captured, and an assessment of attributed information of this area as a gridded dataset, made by the compiler of this dataset. It is intended that this will provide an indicative assessment of the quality of the dataset for end users, together with information on regions that would benefit from further investigation. These data comprise polygon geometry with each polygon having attributes describing an assessment of quality the encompassed area based on the capture of rock outcrop geology, fault and structural measurement mapping, and supporting comments. Each polygon covers a grid area of 1 degree of longitude and 15 minutes of latitude.The relative ‘quality’ is ranked on a scale from 5 to 1, where:5 is highest. Bedrock geology has been captured from mapping at 1:250,000 or more detailed; Cover sequences and occurrence of seasonal water have been reviewed and classified from ground studies, or aerial or satellite imagery; faults and structural data have been captured; rock outcrop polygon areas have been checked against LIMA or other satellite imagery (accurate to +/-100m); links to a source bibliography are complete.4. Bedrock geology has been captured from mapping at regional scale (mostly less than 1:250,000); Cover sequences and occurrence of seasonal water have been reviewed and classified from aerial or satellite imagery, but there may not be local studies to constrain age; faults and structural data will generally have been captured; rock outcrop polygon areas have been checked against LIMA or other satellite imagery (accurate to +/-200m); links to a source bibliography are complete.3. Bedrock geology has been captured from mapping at regional scale (mostly greater than 1:250,000); Cover sequences and seasonal water have been mapped but information for classification is limited; some faults and structural data have been captured; there has been some checking of rock outcrop polygon areas against satellite imagery (accurate to +/-500m); further links to bibliographic sources could be added.2. Bedrock geology may be well-constrained, or alternatively interpreted at large scale mapping (e.g. greater than 1:1,000,000); There has been very limited review of cover sequences and seasonal water; faults and structural data are unlikely to have been captured; rock outcrop polygon areas could be improved by checking against satellite imagery (only accurate to +/-1000m).1. is lowest. Quality rank refers to the early stages of work where little or no information has been attributed to rock outcrop polygons; and polygons have not been checked for their locational position and/or shape. In some places there is no information to assign (where outcrops may not have been visited or had geology inferred) in which case polygons have been attributed as ‘unknown’. There are still quite a few places in Antarctica where an entire 1 degree x 15 minute grid polygon appears to be unknown and quality = 1. A quality rank of 0 indicates that no mapable geological feature is recorded in this area.The GeoMAP dataset was produced as part of the Regional Geological Map Archive and Datafile, one of the Nationally Significant Collections and Databases supported by the New Zealand Government’s Strategic Science Investment Fund (contract C05X1701).DOI

  • This layer shows interpreted continental, oceanic, Large Igneous Province and island arc crust in and around Te Riu-a-Māui / Zealandia. Areas of poorly constrained crust are identified. High-level geological units of Te Riu-a-Māui / Zealandia comprise 500-100 Ma basement of Western Province terranes, Western Province Median Batholith, Eastern Provinces terranes and Eastern Province allochthons, and

  • This layer is a geological map bibliography for Antarctica. It was produced by GNS Science in conjunction with partners in the SCAR GeoMAP project. It represents the sources referred to in the classification of geological map polygons. This layer depicts a selection of key maps, as polygon outlines with data providing links to original bibliographic source, that have been useful to the GeoMAP team (as at June 2019). It shows the majority of, but not necessarily all, geological maps available for Antarctica. The dataset comprises polygons with each having attributes describing the source's authors, title, publication, year, program and scale of publication. The data structure complies with the GeoSciML 4.1 standard where relevant and uses the relevant CGI Controlled Vocabularies. DOI: Cite dataset collection as: Cox, S. C., Smith Lyttle, B., & SCAR GeoMAP Action Group. (2019). ATA SCAR GeoMAP geology (v.2019-07). GNS Science.

  • This dataset has been superseded by a new edition (2nd edition, 2018) available here: This 1st edition has been kept as a historical archive and is available on request. This dataset describes the spatial extent of the individual QMAP geological maps used in the creation of the accompanying datasets. The datasets are a product of the QMAP Geological Map of New Zealand Project and were produced by GNS Science. The datasets represents the most current mapping of the geology of New Zealand in a single dataset at a scale of 1:250 000. The dataset is stored in an ESRI vector geodatabase and exported to ArcGIS Server.

  • This dataset has been superseded by a new edition (4th edition, 2023) available here: This dataset represents the metamorphic boundaries present at or near the surface. It represents the contacts between different mineral metamorphic facies within the geological units and comprises arcs with attributes describing the type of contact, its accuracy and exposure. The dataset is part of the Geological Map of New Zealand collection produced by GNS Science. The mapping frame within which the features have been observed is defined as surface geology (i.e. the bedrock and superficial deposits that are exposed at the topographic surface or would be visible if the overlying soil was removed). The data structure complies with the GeoSciML 4.1 standard, where relevant, and uses the appropriate CGI Controlled Vocabularies. The dataset is associated with Heron, D.W. (custodian) 2020: Geological Map of New Zealand 1:250 000. GNS Science Geological Map 1 (3rd ed.). Lower Hutt, New Zealand. GNS Science. DOI:

  • This dataset represents the volcanoes present at or near the surface and comprises points with attributes describing the type of feature and its name. The dataset is part of the Geology of the Pukekohe area collection produced by GNS Science. The mapping frame within which the features have been observed is defined as surface geology (i.e. the bedrock and superficial deposits that are exposed at the topographic surface or would be visible if the overlying soil was removed). The data structure complies with the GeoSciML 4.1 standard, where relevant, and uses the appropriate CGI Controlled Vocabularies. This dataset forms part of Bland KJ, Townsend DB, Hill MP, Jones KE (compilers). 2023. Geology of the Pukekohe area [digital data]. Lower Hutt (NZ): GNS Science. (GNS Science geological map; 12b). For more information on data, distribution options and formats visit Additional products associated with this dataset are available from