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  • NitrateWatch project (SSIF Project 6) is gathering nitrate data from around New Zealand. Our goal is to provide this information visually to our stakeholders via a map interface • NitrateWatch is aimed at generating new knowledge about nitrates in rural drinking water across New Zealand. • We aim to highlight nitrate hot spots and benchmark nitrate levels for rural drinking water by collecting data from drinking water samples submitted by rural residents. • A further goal is to improve stakeholder engagement through working more closely with iwi, Regional Councils, district Councils, Government agencies and local communities in readiness for future cooperation. • Data generated from this project serves as a talking point to showcase GNS’ leadership in the groundwater/drinking water space. • Our data provides future opportunities for GNS groundwater staff to build new projects leveraged off NitrateWatch

  • This is the Geological Map of New Zealand (Chatham Islands) dataset collection produced by GNS Science. A Chatham Islands-specific NZGD2000 Transverse Mercator (EPSG:3793) projected coordinate system is used for these data that are east of the 180° meridian. The mapping frame within which the features have been observed is typically defined as surface geology (i.e. the bedrock and superficial deposits that are exposed at the topographic surface or would be visible if the overlying soil was removed). The data structure complies with the GeoSciML 4.1 standard, where relevant, and uses the appropriate CGI Controlled Vocabularies. This collection forms part of Heron, D.W. (custodian) 2023: Geological Map of New Zealand 1:250 000 (4th ed.) [digital data]. Lower Hutt (NZ): GNS Science. (GNS Science geological map; 1).

  • This dataset has been superseded by a new edition (4th edition, 2023) available here: This dataset represents the metamorphic boundaries present at or near the surface. It represents the contacts between different mineral metamorphic facies within the geological units and comprises arcs with attributes describing the type of contact, its accuracy and exposure. The dataset is part of the Geological Map of New Zealand collection produced by GNS Science. The mapping frame within which the features have been observed is defined as surface geology (i.e. the bedrock and superficial deposits that are exposed at the topographic surface or would be visible if the overlying soil was removed). The data structure complies with the GeoSciML 4.1 standard, where relevant, and uses the appropriate CGI Controlled Vocabularies. The dataset is associated with Heron, D.W. (custodian) 2020: Geological Map of New Zealand 1:250 000. GNS Science Geological Map 1 (3rd ed.). Lower Hutt, New Zealand. GNS Science. DOI:

  • This dataset has been superseded by a new edition (3rd edition, 2020) available here: This 2nd edition has been kept as a historical archive and is available on request.. This dataset is the annotation associated with the resources data for New Zealand. The dataset is a product of the QMAP Geological Map of New Zealand Project and was produced by GNS Science. The dataset is stored in an ESRI vector geodatabase and exported to ArcGIS Server. The dataset comprises annotation which stores the commodity extracted at the site.

  • This dataset represents the volcanoes present at or near the surface and comprises points with attributes describing the type of feature and its name. The dataset is part of the Geology of the Pukekohe area collection produced by GNS Science. The mapping frame within which the features have been observed is defined as surface geology (i.e. the bedrock and superficial deposits that are exposed at the topographic surface or would be visible if the overlying soil was removed). The data structure complies with the GeoSciML 4.1 standard, where relevant, and uses the appropriate CGI Controlled Vocabularies. This dataset forms part of Bland KJ, Townsend DB, Hill MP, Jones KE (compilers). 2023. Geology of the Pukekohe area [digital data]. Lower Hutt (NZ): GNS Science. (GNS Science geological map; 12b). For more information on data, distribution options and formats visit Additional products associated with this dataset are available from

  • This dataset has been superseded by a new edition (3rd edition, 2020) available here: This 2nd edition has been kept as a historical archive and is available on request.. This dataset is the structural measurements data for New Zealand. The dataset is a product of the QMAP Geological Map of New Zealand Project and was produced by GNS Science. At the time of publication it represented the most current collection of structure data for New Zealand in a single dataset at a scale of 1:250 000. The dataset is stored in an ESRI vector geodatabase and exported to ArcGIS Server. The dataset comprises points with each point having attributes describing the type of structure, its dip and dip direction. The data structure complies with the GeoSciML 4.1 standard where relevant and uses the appropriate CGI Controlled Vocabularies. The mapping frame is defined as 'surface geology'. The data should not be used at scales beyond that for which it was prepared. The spatial accuracy is estimated to be no better than +/- 250 m.

  • This dataset contains the 1:1 000 000 miscellaneous (non-geological) polygons data for New Zealand. These include river, lake and ice polygons. The dataset is a product of the Geological Map of New Zealand 1: 1 000 000 project and was produced by GNS Science. The dataset is stored in an ESRI vector geodatabase and exported to ArcGIS Server. The dataset comprises polygons with each polygon having attributes describing its type and source. The data should not be used at scales beyond that for which it was prepared. The spatial accuracy is estimated to be no better than +/- 500 m. The dataset is available for purchase as feature classes in ESRI file geodatabase and shapefile GIS formats and freely consumable as a layer in Web Map Services and Web Feature Services from ArcGIS Server.

  • This dataset has been superseded by a new edition (3rd edition, 2020) available here: This 2nd edition has been kept as a historical archive and is available on request.. This dataset is the lineament data for New Zealand. The dataset is a product of the QMAP Geological Map of New Zealand Project and was produced by GNS Science. At the time of publication it represented the most current mapping of linears for New Zealand in a single dataset at a scale of 1:250 000. The dataset is stored in an ESRI vector geodatabase and exported to ArcGIS Server. The dataset comprises arcs with each arc having attributes describing the accuracy of location and type of lineament. The data structure complies with the GeoSciML 4.1 standard where relevant and uses the appropriate CGI Controlled Vocabularies. The mapping frame is defined as 'surface geology'. The data should not be used at scales beyond that for which it was prepared. The spatial accuracy is estimated to be no better than +/- 250 m.

  • This dataset represents the linears at or near the surface and comprises arcs with attributes describing the accuracy of location and type of lineament. The dataset is part of the Geology of the Tongariro National Park area collection produced by GNS Science. It is stored in an ESRI vector geodatabase and exported to a shapefile. The mapping frame within which the features have been observed is defined as surface geology (i.e. the bedrock and superficial deposits that are exposed at the topographic surface or would be visible if the overlying soil was removed). The data structure complies with the GeoSciML 4.1 standard, where relevant, and uses the appropriate CGI Controlled Vocabularies. The dataset is associated with Townsend DB, Leonard GS, Pure LR, Conway CE, Eaves SR, Wilson CJN (compilers) 2020. Geology of the Tongariro National Park area 1:60 000. GNS Science geological map 4. Digital vector data (2nd ed.). Lower Hutt, New Zealand. GNS Science.

  • This dataset represents the annotation associated with the hydrologic features. It is developed from the LINZ Topo50 place names datasets to provide background information to the geological data. The dataset is part of the Geology of the Tongariro National Park area collection produced by GNS Science. It is stored in an ESRI vector geodatabase and exported to a shapefile. The dataset is associated with Townsend DB, Leonard GS, Pure LR, Conway CE, Eaves SR, Wilson CJN (compilers) 2020. Geology of the Tongariro National Park area 1:60 000. GNS Science geological map 4. Digital vector data (2nd ed.). Lower Hutt, New Zealand. GNS Science.