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  • GeoNet Aotearoa/New Zealand manually collected volcano time series data are archived and publicly available. The dataset consists of manually collected observations from scientists visiting volcanoes. The observation frequency varies depending on the data type, location, and collection method. The dataset includes the following observations: Chemistry of lakes, springs, and streams Volcanic gas emission rates Vertical ground deformation Lake and spring temperatures The dataset can be accessed through Tilde (, producing data in CSV or JSON format. A Data Discovery application is also available ( More details on the Volcano Monitoring Time Series can be found here: This dataset is funded through Some data pre-date GeoNet. We would like to acknowledge contributions from the Volcano Monitoring Group and other GNS Science staff. DOI: Cite as: GNS Science. (1954). GeoNet Aotearoa New Zealand manually collected volcano data [Data set]. GNS Science. doi:10.21420/PSP7-KW60.

  • GeoNet's Built-environment Instrumentation Programme covers the instrumentation of building structures throughout New Zealand. An array of sensors are deployed in and around residential and commercial buildings, hospitals, universities and bridges. This programme primarily aims to provide high quality data to a number of professionals including but not limited to engineers, seismologists, urban planners and seismic hazard and risk specialists. The GeoNet structural array dataset is a collection of recorded response data from 20 structural array sites. There is a continued effort to add more sites to sustain the growing needs of the strong motion community. This dataset supports earthquake engineering initiatives in improving the NZ seismic design code/standards and in the studies related to building performance, building fragility and vulnerability, and seismic risk estimation. Data are freely available, but there is a registration process for data requests. Full details are available from this link: Instrument and site information are held in the GeoNet public metadata repository. This dataset is funded through DOI: Cite as: GNS Science, 2007. GeoNet Structural Array Dataset.

  • A list of known seismological events compiled from oral and written history, and since the 1930s, from instrumental readings. DOI: Cite as: GNS Science. (2022). New Zealand Earthquake Catalogue for the revision of the 2022 National Seismic Hazard Model (NSHM) [Data set]. GNS Science.

  • Data in Receiver Independent Exchange Format (RINEX) from the New Zealand continuous GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) network. Data accessible here: Data are available as 24 hours compressed RINEX files at 30 seconds sampling rate. For a selection of stations, 1 second sampled uncompressed RINEX files are also available for the last two months ( Information about the GeoNet Geodetic Network can be found here: Site metadata can be found within the delta repository and data tutorials can be found here: RINEX data is also avaiable through the open AWS bucket, information on how to access this can be found here: DOI: Cite as: GNS Science. (1995). GeoNet Aotearoa New Zealand Continuous GNSS Network RINEX Files [Data set]. GNS Science. Data are from the GeoNet and PositioNZ ( GNSS networks, with contribution from Otago University ( and NIWA ( GNSS stations.

  • New Zealand network of tsunameters in the southwest Pacific. Tsunameters, devices or systems that detect tsunamis, often use Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunami (DART) real-time monitoring systems. Information about the DART network can be found here: Sensor and instrument metadata can be found at DART Raw and Detided data is available via the Tilde API (, the Tilde UI ( and for data-tutorials see ( The detided constituents are generated by NIWA and can be found here: DART BPR data. The BPR records are available in Tilde (using "Method=raw"). This also includes Temperature (water-temperature) and Pressure (water-pressure) data. DART Trigger Catalogue. A catalogue of all of the auto-triggers on the DART network can also be found here: DOI for DART Dataset: DOI for DART Network: Cite Dataset as: GNS Science (2020). NZ Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunami (DART) Data set [Data set]. GNS Science. [last accessed on -insert date-]. Cite Network as: Fry, B., S.-J. McCurrach, K. Gledhill, W. Power, M. Williams, M. Angove, D. Arcas, and C. Moore (2020), Sensor network warns of stealth tsunamis, Eos, 101, Published on 26 May 2020. The DART Sensor Network has been made possible by funding from MBIE ( and MFAT (, and carried out in partnership between NEMA (, GNS Science ( and NIWA (, with support from SAIC (

  • Data in binary format from the New Zealand continuous GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) network. Data are available as hourly files at 30 seconds sampling rate. Data accessible here: From 2002 to 2018 raw files are in a pre-processed (.tgd) format that could be read by the software TEQC (by UNAVCO, From 2019 onward raw files are available in binary proprietary format (.T02). Information about the GeoNet Geodetic Network can be found here: Site metadata can be found within the delta repository and data tutorials can be found here: RAW data is also avaiable through the open AWS bucket, information on how to access this can be found here: DOI: Cite as: GNS Science. (2002). GeoNet Aotearoa New Zealand Continuous GNSS Network RAW Files [Data set]. GNS Science. Data are from the GeoNet and PositioNZ ( GNSS networks, with contribution from Otago University ( and NIWA ( GNSS stations.

  • Time series are a result of the processing of RINEX files with a GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) scientific processing software. East, North and Up relative displacements data are available for each GNSS station. Motion is calculated with respect to an a priori position and epoch in the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF08 realisation). The resulting time series have no adjustments made to them, and may, for example, contain offsets due to earthquakes or other tectonic causes, equipment changes at individual sites, seasonal (annual and semi-annual) signals. Data is accessible via FITS, with more information being available here: Information about the GeoNet Geodetic Network can be found here: Site metadata can be found within the delta repository and data tutorials can be found here: DOI: Cite as: GNS Science. (2000). GeoNet Aotearoa New Zealand Continuous GNSS Network Time Series Dataset [Data set]. GNS Science, GeoNet. The time series of relative displacements of GNSS stations of the GeoNet ( and PositioNZ ( networks, with contribution of GNSS stations from Otago University ( and NIWA (

  • The GeoNet earthquake catalogue contains the technical information of all known seismological events. The dataset includes information about the events source parameters such as hypocenter, magnitude, arrival time of seismic phases as well as velocity model used and uncertainties in the parameters. Since the 1930's, earthquakes in the catalogue have been determined by instrumental records. Prior to that, estimates were made from oral and written records. At present, a densified network of weak motion and strong motion sensors is used nationally to monitor events in regions that are affected by large seismic activity and volcanism. Around 20000 events are recorded every year in the catalogue. GeoNet observations and earthquake source parameters are currently used for rapid response, risk assessment and research purposes. Overview of access tools: This dataset is funded through DOI: Cite as: GNS Science. (1970). New Zealand Earthquake Catalogue [Data set]. GNS Science, GeoNet.