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  • 2018 Definitive 1-minute Scott Base (SBA) data is continuous 1-second data recorded by New Zealand's Geomagnetic Observatories SBA in 2018 that was processed at 1-minute sampling, cleaned (spikes removed) and baseline (absolute values) corrected. The data was submitted to INTERMAGNET in July 2019 and passed the INTERMAGNET reviewing process. DOI Cite as: Petersen, T., & GNS Science. (2019). 2018 Definitive 1-minute Scott Base (SBA) data [Data set]. INTERMAGNET.

  • The Petroleum / Mineral / Coal Reports dataset is one of six datasets that make up the Bibliographic Database. Under the Crown Minerals Act, these reports are submitted to the New Zealand government by holders of prospecting, exploration or mining permits and become publicly available at some stage. Records for and online links to the petroleum / mineral / coal reports are available through the Online Exploration Database ( of NZ Petroleum & Minerals (NZP&M). Equivalent records for the petroleum / mineral / coal reports were created in the GNS Science Bibliographic Database in order to facilitate the discovery of these items when GNS Science staff search the Bibliographic Database. Links are provided to most of the petroleum reports. In addition, GNS Staff can search for petroleum reports using the Petroleum Report Search webpage ( where links are also provided either to a copy held by GNS Science or to a copy held by the NZ government. Every indexed report has a unique BIB ID number in addition to its assigned PR (petroleum), MR (mineral) or CR (coal) number.

  • The LIMS Water Dating Lab Information System contains sample submission information for tritium, CFC, SF6, radon, stable isotope, and C14 samples submitted to the Water Dating Lab. The LIMS records data on sample processes and pretreatment. Once the results have been checked and pass QC then these results are uploaded to the LIMS masterlist. The database creates results reports as the user requests. The results are reported by email to commercial clients. invoicing is independent of the database, however invoice numbers are recorded in the database for reference. The Water Dating Lab manages the digital databases, paper records and physical remains of submitted materials.

  • Continuous data recorded by New Zealand's Geomagnetic Observatories SBA processed at 1-minute sampling and baseline (absolute values) corrected. The data is being submitted to INTERMAGNET annually (submitted by July 1st for the previous year’s data Jan 1 to 31 Dec). SBA data since 1-Jan-1996 Before the definitive data for each year is being published via INTERMAGNET an international multi-step reviewing process is being applied to ensure international standards are being met. DOI Cite as: GNS Science. (1996). Definitive 1-minute Scott Base (SBA ) data [Data set]. GNS Science, INTERMAGNET.

  • Preliminary 1-second and 1-minute Eyrewell (EYR) data are submitted to INTERMAGNET in a standardized file format (IAGA-2002) every hour. The data can be downloaded via a free web access provided by INTERMAGNET at (Data Type: ‘provisional’). 1-minute (Sample Rate: ‘minute’) ‘provisional’ EYR data are available since 1994. 1-second data (Sample Rate: ‘second’) ‘provisional’ EYR data are available since 2012. DOI: Cite data as: GNS Science. (2022). Preliminary 1-second and 1-minute data from Eyrewell (EYR) [Data set]. INTERMAGNET.

  • The Rafter Radiocarbon Databases and Archive contain radiocarbon submission, treatment and measurement data spanning 70 years. The Rafter Radiocarbon Lab manages the digital databases, paper records and physical remains of submitted materials. All ~60,000 results reported by our laboratory since 1951 are digitised and available on request. Most gas counting results were reported prior to the implementation of the current radiocarbon reporting conventions and therefore we strongly recommend that users of our gas counting results contact us to obtain recalculated results that follow the current reporting conventions. For early samples, details of sample provenance and preparation are archived as paper records and access to these may incur a charge. AMS results can usually only be provided with permission of the original submitter. Full details are available digitally with permission. Contact for data access.

  • 2018 Definitive 1-minute Eyrewell (EYR) data is continuous 1-second data recorded by New Zealand's Geomagnetic Observatories EYR in 2018 that was processed at 1-minute sampling, cleaned (spikes removed) and baseline (absolute values) corrected. The data was submitted to INTERMAGNET in July 2019 and passed the INTERMAGNET reviewing process. DOI Cite as: GNS Science, Petersen, T., Plank, G., & Plank, J. (2019). 2018 Definitive 1-minute Eyrewell (EYR) data [Data set]. INTERMAGNET.

  • 2014 Definitive 1-minute Apia (API) data is continuous 1-second data recorded by New Zealand's Geomagnetic Observatory Apia in 2014 that was processed at 1-minute sampling, cleaned (spikes removed) and baseline (absolute values) corrected. The data was submitted to INTERMAGNET in July 2015 and passed the INTERMAGNET reviewing process. DOI Cite as: Petersen, T., GNS Science, Samoa Meteorology Division, & USGS. (2015). 2014 Definitive 1-minute Apia (API) data. GNS Science, INTERMAGNET.

  • The GNS Science Photo Library, now named the Visual Media Library (VML), contains over 75,000 volcano images featuring aerial views, geological features and scenic landscapes. Not all volcano photographs are publicly available through the VML so contact us if you have any further queries. High resolution images are available for purchase for publications, displays and website usage. Low resolution images are free of copyright charges for study or non-commercial reference purposes. Fees do not apply for GNS Science related usage but do apply to external clientele. DOI: 10.21420/2EPA-DF73 Cite as: GNS Science. (2011). Volcano Images at GNS Visual Media Library. GNS Science.

  • 2016 Definitive 1-minute Apia (API) data is continuous 1-second data recorded by New Zealand's Geomagnetic Observatory Apia in 2016 that was processed at 1-minute sampling, cleaned (spikes removed) and baseline (absolute values) corrected. The data was submitted to INTERMAGNET in July 2017 and passed the INTERMAGNET reviewing process. DOI Cite as: Petersen, T., GNS Science, Samoa Meteorology Division, & USGS. (2017). 2016 Definitive 1-minute Apia (API) data. GNS Science, INTERMAGNET.