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  • Tsunami simulation model, such as COMCOT, solves a set of discretized mathematical equations that govern the physical processes of tsunami generation by various sources, propagation over ocean basin, run-up and inundations in coastal areas. The source code of a tsunami simulation model is a collection of a human-readable programming codes/statements that are translated from the discretized mathematical equations through a programming language, e.g. FORTRAN. Together with a suitable compiler, the source code can be further converted into an executable binary application, e.g. a numerical simulation program (model). This executable binary may run on various platforms, e.g. Windows or Linux systems. Continuous validations are often carried out by model developers and other researchers to identify potential bugs, errors, and validate its accuracies against analytical analyses, results from other established models, laboratory experiments, and field observations from real tsunami events. Pre- and post-processing scripts for a tsunami model are often independent of the model’s source code. They are developed to prepare input data for a tsunami simulation model, further process and visualize output data files of tsunami model simulations, e.g. to create inundation maps. These scripts may also be used to convert a tsunami model’s proprietary data formats into other commonly used formats, e.g. GIS-compatible formats such as ESRI ARC ASCII, or vice versa. MATLAB and Python are two commonly used programming languages for these scripts. For example, MATLAB has been used to develop a set of data processing scripts for COMCOT tsunami simulation model. COMCOT-API is a set of Python-based Application Programming Interface (API) scripts that augments and drives the COMCOT tsunami simulation model. This enables full automation of parameter studies and development of an algorithm for probabilistic hazard assessment with COMCOT as the tsunami simulation kernel. The API manages simulations on clusters with different queuing systems, farms simulation scenarios out to clusters and collects data after simulation completion. It also creates non-uniform slips as input to tsunami simulations, based on fault geometry and scaled with earthquake magnitude. User manuals provide detailed descriptions about tsunami models, including their underlying mathematical equations, numerical discretization schemes, programming languages, software/hardware requirements, parameter setup, input and output data, example simulations, and sometimes validations. DOI: Cite as: GNS Science. (2020). Tsunami Models Source Code, Scripts and Manuals. GNS Science.

  • Tsunami propagation model outputs are snapshots of tsunami amplitude in a modelling domain at a given interval. The modelling domain for tsunami propagation includes the source region and the study area. Tsunami inundation model output show the simulated inland tsunami height and typically only for a limited area that is much smaller than the whole modelling domain. COMCOT is a tsunami simulation model used at GNS and by other parties to obtain tsunami propagation and inundation model output data. To get tsunami propagation model output, either linear or nonlinear shallow water equations can be use and a bathymetry data is needed. While to get tsunami inundation model output, COMCOT should be set to solve the nonlinear shallow water equations, and both topography and bathymetry data should be merged and then used in the simulation. Details of the specific procedures and outputs are usually provided in specific reports or papers for each project. DOI: Cite as: GNS Science. (2020). Tsunami Propagation and Inundation Model Outputs. GNS Science.