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  • This grid depicts the interpreted vertical thickness (isochore) in metres between the Basement and K50 seismic horizons mapped within the Northwest Province of the Atlas of Petroleum Prospectivity (namely the Taranaki, Deepwater Taranaki, and Reinga-Northland basins). This isochore interval encompasses rocks of c. 110-98 Ma age (Early- to mid-Cretaceous). For more information about the seismic horizon naming scheme used in this project please refer to: Strogen, D.P.; King, P.R. 2014. A new Zealandia-wide seismic horizon naming scheme. Lower Hutt, NZ: GNS Science. GNS Science report 2014/34. 20 p. The TWT and depth grids, from which this grid was derived, were generated in Paradigm 2015 SeisEarth software using an adaptive fitting algorithm and a grid resolution of 1 km x 1 km. Faults have not been incorporated into the regional-scale gridding of the TWT or depth maps in this project. The TWT and depth grids were then exported from SeisEarth (Zmap format), checked for internal consistency in Zetaware (Trinity 4.61), edited as needed to account for gridding errors, and then exported as ArcView Ascii grids. Given the considerable variability in the spacing and density of 2D seismic data over the entire NWP area the "smoothness" of the depth maps varies accordingly. In the central Taranaki Basin, where seismic line spacing may be 5 km or less, the 1 km x 1 km grid resolution captures the geological complexity well. However, in areas of the NWP such as the Deepwater Taranaki Basin to the west and Reinga Basin in the north, seismic line spacing may be in the order of 15 to 30 km. In such areas the underlying geological complexity is only captured where seismic interpretation exists along the available 2D seismic lines. For further information on these data, please refer to: Arnot, M.J. and Bland, K.J. et al. (Compilers), 2016. Atlas of Petroleum Prospectivity, Northwest Province: ArcGIS geodatabase and technical report. GNS Science Data Series 23b.

  • Depth below sea level, in milliseconds two-way-time, to the P10 (base-Eocene) horizon in sedimentary basins within the Northwest Province (Taranaki, Deepwater Taranaki, and Reinga-Northland basins). Seismic mapping of the horizon was undertaken using Paradigm SeisEarth software. Gridding was undertaken using Paradigm software and Zetaware's Trinity software. For further information on these data, please refer to: Arnot, M.J. and Bland, K.J. et al. (Compilers), 2016. Atlas of Petroleum Prospectivity, Northwest Province: ArcGIS geodatabase and technical report. GNS Science Data Series 23b.

  • Grid depicting the modelled depth, in metres, beneath sea level to the N10 horizon in the Northwest Province mapping area (Taranaki, Deepwater Taranaki, and Reinga-Northland basins), for the Atlas of Petroleum Prospectivity. The grid was generated in Paradigm 2015 SeisEarth software using an adaptive fitting algorithm and a grid resolution of 1 km x 1 km. Faults have not been incorporated into the regional-scale gridding of either the TWT or depth maps in this project. The depth grids were then exported from SeisEarth (Zmap format), checked for internal consistency in Zetaware (Trinity 4.61), edited as needed to account for gridding errors and then exported as ArcView Ascii grids. For more information about the depth conversion and gridding process used, please refer to: Arnot, M.J. and Bland, K.J. et al. (Compilers), 2016. Atlas of Petroleum Prospectivity, Northwest Province: ArcGIS geodatabase and technical report. GNS Science Data Series 23b. Given the considerable variability in the spacing and density of 2D seismic data over the entire NWP area the "smoothness" of the depth maps varies accordingly. In the central Taranaki Basin, where seismic line spacing may be 5 km or less, the 1 km x 1 km grid resolution captures the geological complexity well. However, in areas of the NWP such as the Deepwater Taranaki Basin to the west and Reinga Basin in the north, seismic line spacing may be in the order of 15 to 30 km. In such areas the underlying geological complexity is only captured where seismic interpretation exists along the available 2D seismic lines. It is recognised that whilst the APP NWP seismic mapping was completed at an appropriate resolution for a frontier basin, GNS Science has over the past decade put significant effort into mapping, modelling, and depth conversion in the southern Taranaki Basin region (Bull et al., 2015). In particular, the more sophisticated velocity modelling in the southern Taranaki Basin results in a more robust depth conversion in the areas that have experienced significant uplift and erosion during the Miocene compressional phases. Due to the availability of better resolution depth-converted data in the south, the APP's NWP grids were overwritten with the relevant southern Taranaki Basin mapped intervals to take advantage of this more robust depth conversion. As the cell size of the Bull et al. (2015) grids is finer than the NWP grids, the former were down sampled to 1 km x 1 km cell size to match the NWP gridding. Although the TWT interpretation is constant across the models' boundary, it was found that due to the different depth conversion methods applied there was a marked step in between depth grids. It was decided to leave this footprint artefact to help differentiate between the two modelled areas rather than smoothing the join.

  • Depth below sea level, in milliseconds two-way-time, to the P50 (base-Oligocene) horizon in sedimentary basins within the Northwest Province (Taranaki, Deepwater Taranaki, and Reinga-Northland basins). Seismic mapping of the horizon was undertaken using Paradigm SeisEarth software. Gridding was undertaken using Paradigm software and Zetaware's Trinity software. For further information on these data, please refer to: Arnot, M.J. and Bland, K.J. et al. (Compilers), 2016. Atlas of Petroleum Prospectivity, Northwest Province: ArcGIS geodatabase and technical report. GNS Science Data Series 23b.

  • Grid depicting the modelled depth, in metres, beneath sea level to the K90 horizon in the Northwest Province mapping area (Taranaki, Deepwater Taranaki, and Reinga-Northland basins), for the Atlas of Petroleum Prospectivity. The grid was generated in Paradigm 2015 SeisEarth software using an adaptive fitting algorithm and a grid resolution of 1 km x 1 km. Faults have not been incorporated into the regional-scale gridding of either the TWT or depth maps in this project. The depth grids were then exported from SeisEarth (Zmap format), checked for internal consistency in Zetaware (Trinity 4.61), edited as needed to account for gridding errors and then exported as ArcView Ascii grids. For more information about the depth conversion and gridding process used, please refer to: Arnot, M.J. and Bland, K.J. et al. (Compilers), 2016. Atlas of Petroleum Prospectivity, Northwest Province: ArcGIS geodatabase and technical report. GNS Science Data Series 23b. Given the considerable variability in the spacing and density of 2D seismic data over the entire NWP area the "smoothness" of the depth maps varies accordingly. In the central Taranaki Basin, where seismic line spacing may be 5 km or less, the 1 km x 1 km grid resolution captures the geological complexity well. However, in areas of the NWP such as the Deepwater Taranaki Basin to the west and Reinga Basin in the north, seismic line spacing may be in the order of 15 to 30 km. In such areas the underlying geological complexity is only captured where seismic interpretation exists along the available 2D seismic lines. It is recognised that whilst the APP NWP seismic mapping was completed at an appropriate resolution for a frontier basin, GNS Science has over the past decade put significant effort into mapping, modelling, and depth conversion in the southern Taranaki Basin region (Bull et al., 2015). In particular, the more sophisticated velocity modelling in the southern Taranaki Basin results in a more robust depth conversion in the areas that have experienced significant uplift and erosion during the Miocene compressional phases. Due to the availability of better resolution depth-converted data in the south, the APP's NWP grids were overwritten with the relevant southern Taranaki Basin mapped intervals to take advantage of this more robust depth conversion. As the cell size of the Bull et al. (2015) grids is finer than the NWP grids, the former were down sampled to 1 km x 1 km cell size to match the NWP gridding. Although the TWT interpretation is constant across the models' boundary, it was found that due to the different depth conversion methods applied there was a marked step in between depth grids. It was decided to leave this footprint artefact to help differentiate between the two modelled areas rather than smoothing the join.

  • This grid depicts the interpreted vertical thickness (isochore) in metres between the P10 and P50 seismic horizons mapped within the Northwest Province of the Atlas of Petroleum Prospectivity (namely the Taranaki, Deepwater Taranaki, and Reinga-Northland basins). This isochore interval encompasses rocks of c. 56-35 Ma age (Eocene). For more information about the seismic horizon naming scheme used in this project please refer to: Strogen, D.P.; King, P.R. 2014. A new Zealandia-wide seismic horizon naming scheme. Lower Hutt, NZ: GNS Science. GNS Science report 2014/34. 20 p. The TWT and depth grids, from which this grid was derived, were generated in Paradigm 2015 SeisEarth software using an adaptive fitting algorithm and a grid resolution of 1 km x 1 km. Faults have not been incorporated into the regional-scale gridding of the TWT or depth maps in this project. The TWT and depth grids were then exported from SeisEarth (Zmap format), checked for internal consistency in Zetaware (Trinity 4.61), edited as needed to account for gridding errors and then exported as ArcView Ascii grids. Given the considerable variability in the spacing and density of 2D seismic data over the entire NWP area the "smoothness" of the depth maps varies accordingly. In the central Taranaki Basin, where seismic line spacing may be 5 km or less, the 1 km x 1 km grid resolution captures the geological complexity well. However, in areas of the NWP such as the Deepwater Taranaki Basin to the west and Reinga Basin in the north, seismic line spacing may be in the order of 15 to 30 km. In such areas the underlying geological complexity is only captured where seismic interpretation exists along the available 2D seismic lines. For further information on these data, please refer to: Arnot, M.J. and Bland, K.J. et al. (Compilers), 2016. Atlas of Petroleum Prospectivity, Northwest Province: ArcGIS geodatabase and technical report. GNS Science Data Series 23b.

  • Grid depicting the modelled depth, in metres, beneath sea level to the P10 horizon in the Northwest Province mapping area (Taranaki, Deepwater Taranaki, and Reinga-Northland basins), for the Atlas of Petroleum Prospectivity. The grid was generated in Paradigm 2015 SeisEarth software using an adaptive fitting algorithm and a grid resolution of 1 km x 1 km. Faults have not been incorporated into the regional-scale gridding of either the TWT or depth maps in this project. The depth grids were then exported from SeisEarth (Zmap format), checked for internal consistency in Zetaware (Trinity 4.61), edited as needed to account for gridding errors and then exported as ArcView Ascii grids. For more information about the depth conversion and gridding process used, please refer to: Arnot, M.J. and Bland, K.J. et al. (Compilers), 2016. Atlas of Petroleum Prospectivity, Northwest Province: ArcGIS geodatabase and technical report. GNS Science Data Series 23b. Given the considerable variability in the spacing and density of 2D seismic data over the entire NWP area the "smoothness" of the depth maps varies accordingly. In the central Taranaki Basin, where seismic line spacing may be 5 km or less, the 1 km x 1 km grid resolution captures the geological complexity well. However, in areas of the NWP such as the Deepwater Taranaki Basin to the west and Reinga Basin in the north, seismic line spacing may be in the order of 15 to 30 km. In such areas the underlying geological complexity is only captured where seismic interpretation exists along the available 2D seismic lines. It is recognised that whilst the APP NWP seismic mapping was completed at an appropriate resolution for a frontier basin, GNS Science has over the past decade put significant effort into mapping, modelling, and depth conversion in the southern Taranaki Basin region (Bull et al., 2015). In particular, the more sophisticated velocity modelling in the southern Taranaki Basin results in a more robust depth conversion in the areas that have experienced significant uplift and erosion during the Miocene compressional phases. Due to the availability of better resolution depth-converted data in the south, the APP's NWP grids were overwritten with the relevant southern Taranaki Basin mapped intervals to take advantage of this more robust depth conversion. As the cell size of the Bull et al. (2015) grids is finer than the NWP grids, the former were down sampled to 1 km x 1 km cell size to match the NWP gridding. Although the TWT interpretation is constant across the models' boundary, it was found that due to the different depth conversion methods applied there was a marked step in between depth grids. It was decided to leave this footprint artefact to help differentiate between the two modelled areas rather than smoothing the join.

  • Grid depicting the modelled depth, in metres, beneath sea level to the P00 horizon in the Northwest Province mapping area (Taranaki, Deepwater Taranaki, and Reinga-Northland basins), for the Atlas of Petroleum Prospectivity. The grid was generated in Paradigm 2015 SeisEarth software using an adaptive fitting algorithm and a grid resolution of 1 km x 1 km. Faults have not been incorporated into the regional-scale gridding of either the TWT or depth maps in this project. The depth grids were then exported from SeisEarth (Zmap format), checked for internal consistency in Zetaware (Trinity 4.61), edited as needed to account for gridding errors and then exported as ArcView Ascii grids. For more information about the depth conversion and gridding process used, please refer to: Arnot, M.J. and Bland, K.J. et al. (Compilers), 2016. Atlas of Petroleum Prospectivity, Northwest Province: ArcGIS geodatabase and technical report. GNS Science Data Series 23b. Given the considerable variability in the spacing and density of 2D seismic data over the entire NWP area the "smoothness" of the depth maps varies accordingly. In the central Taranaki Basin, where seismic line spacing may be 5 km or less, the 1 km x 1 km grid resolution captures the geological complexity well. However, in areas of the NWP such as the Deepwater Taranaki Basin to the west and Reinga Basin in the north, seismic line spacing may be in the order of 15 to 30 km. In such areas the underlying geological complexity is only captured where seismic interpretation exists along the available 2D seismic lines. It is recognised that whilst the APP NWP seismic mapping was completed at an appropriate resolution for a frontier basin, GNS Science has over the past decade put significant effort into mapping, modelling, and depth conversion in the southern Taranaki Basin region (Bull et al., 2015). In particular, the more sophisticated velocity modelling in the southern Taranaki Basin results in a more robust depth conversion in the areas that have experienced significant uplift and erosion during the Miocene compressional phases. Due to the availability of better resolution depth-converted data in the south, the APP's NWP grids were overwritten with the relevant southern Taranaki Basin mapped intervals to take advantage of this more robust depth conversion. As the cell size of the Bull et al. (2015) grids is finer than the NWP grids, the former were down sampled to 1 km x 1 km cell size to match the NWP gridding. Although the TWT interpretation is constant across the models' boundary, it was found that due to the different depth conversion methods applied there was a marked step in between depth grids. It was decided to leave this footprint artefact to help differentiate between the two modelled areas rather than smoothing the join.

  • Depth below sea level, in milliseconds two-way-time, to the modern sea bed horizon in sedimentary basins within the Northwest Province (Taranaki, Deepwater Taranaki, and Reinga-Northland basins). Seismic mapping of the horizon was undertaken using Paradigm SeisEarth software. Gridding was undertaken using Paradigm software and Zetaware's Trinity software. For further information on these data, please refer to: Arnot, M.J. and Bland, K.J. et al. (Compilers), 2016. Atlas of Petroleum Prospectivity, Northwest Province: ArcGIS geodatabase and technical report. GNS Science Data Series 23b.

  • This data layer is an interpolated grid of dominant foliation dip-direction (0-360 degree azimuth) in the Otago Schist, at 100m x 100m cell size. Structural observations used in the interpolation were derived from QMAP 1:250,000 mapping and local observations by Simon Cox (1:10,000 mapping for Nenthorn and Barewood) and Adam Martin (for Middlemarch CD16 1:50,000 sheet).