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  • Catalogue and physical store of scientific data acquisition, (especially seismic) and processing media held at GNS. Formerly known as both STAMP (Seismic Tape and Metadata Catalogue) and Resource Group Media Library The archive consists of more than 7,500 media objects (tape, discs of various kinds) spread over multiple formats, containing a wide variety of data. From unique, only-known copies of field data, to personal home directory backups, to unlabelled tapes with unknown contents. A majority of the media contains raw or processed seismic and other scientific data and related documentation. The remaining sundry includes personal backups of current and former GNS staff and many collections of data of unknown type, origin and format. These data have been maintained for the benefit of the New Zealand public and scientific community Some of the more valuable data are original or duplicate seismic field tapes and older surveys which can no longer be duplicated, such as over Antarctic ice shelves. Several of these sets have been identified as potentially the only existing copy of the data.