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  • Cosmogenic surface exposure chronologies were used to quantitatively constrain past rates of ice thinning, and the absolute timing of ice discharge and thinning events. We sampled glacial erratics and bedrock from Byrd Glacier (LW1 Nunatak, LW2 Nunatak, Lonewolf Nuntataks, Tiger Nunatak, Mt. Tadpole). Samples were analysed for their exposure history, and all sites contained glacial erratics. In particular, the Lonewolf Nunataks sites, which is located along the margin of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet revealed a plethora of glacial cobbles. Details of laboratory procedures can be found in the related publication. RELATED PUBLICATION: GET DATA:

  • The GNS Science Photo Library, now named the Visual Media Library (VML), contains over 100,000 stock images featuring aerial views, landscapes, geological features and scientific research including volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and landforms. Not all of the photographs are available through the VML so contact us if you have any further queries. High resolution images are available for purchase for publications, displays and website usage. Low resolution images are free of copyright charges for study or non-commercial reference purposes. Fees do not apply for GNS Science related usage but do apply to external clientele. DOI: Cite as: GNS Science. (2011). GNS Science Visual Media Library. GNS Science.

  • The GNS Science Photo Library, now named the Visual Media Library (VML), contains over 75,000 volcano images featuring aerial views, geological features and scenic landscapes. Not all volcano photographs are publicly available through the VML so contact us if you have any further queries. High resolution images are available for purchase for publications, displays and website usage. Low resolution images are free of copyright charges for study or non-commercial reference purposes. Fees do not apply for GNS Science related usage but do apply to external clientele. DOI: 10.21420/2EPA-DF73 Cite as: GNS Science. (2011). Volcano Images at GNS Visual Media Library. GNS Science.