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GNS Science

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  • Orthophotography for the Canterbury region taken in the flying season (summer period) 2014 - 2015. Coverage encompassed the Hurunui, and Kaikoura council areas. Imagery was captured for the ‘Environment Canterbury’ by Aerial Surveys Ltd, Unit A1, 8 Saturn Place, Albany,0632, New Zealand. The dataset comprises:4-band (RGBI) orthomosaic supplied at 30cm pixel resolution (0.30m GSD) and can be obtained from LINZ ( The above is supplied in terms of New Zealand Transverse Mercator (NZTM) 2000 map projection. Cite data as: Environment Canterbury (2015). Canterbury 0.3m Rural Aerial Photos (2014-2015) [Data set]. Collected by Aerial Surveys, distributed by LINZ.

  • Aerial photography of the wider Kaikōura region captured in the flying season of 2016-2017. Coverage encompasses North Canterbury and Marlborough regions. This Imagery was commissioned by LINZ on behalf of GNS science, Environment Canterbury Regional Council, Marlborough District Council, Kaikoura District Council and Hurunui District Council for earthquake recovery purposes. It was captured by Aerial Surveys Ltd, Unit A1, 8 Saturn Place, Albany,0632, New Zealand. The dataset comprises:4-band (RGBI) orthomosaic supplied at 30cm pixel resolution (0.30m GSD) and can be obtained from LINZ ( The above is supplied in terms of New Zealand Transverse Mercator (NZTM) 2000 map projection. Cite data as: GNS Science, Environment Canterbury Regional Council, Marlborough District Council, Kaikōura District Council, Hurunui District Council, Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, Earthquake Commission, Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) (2022). 2016-2017 Kaikoura 0.30m Rural Aerial Photos [Data set]. Collected by Aerial Surveys, distributed by LINZ.

  • This vector data layer spatially represents chronostratigraphic grid based on the International Chronostratigraphic Chart (v 2021/10). Updates to this information areavailable at This gridwas constructed using EPSG:4978 (WGS 84). It is also suitable for projection in EPSG:3031 (WGS 84/Antarctic Polar Stereographic). DOI

  • Downstream infrastructure Maui offshore platforms; Tui and Maari FPSOs; Pohokura, Maari and Kupe unmanned platforms. Eight onshore production stations in Taranaki. North Island gas pipeline network, including pipelines to Gisborne and Hastings. Oil refinery and port at Marsden Point, Whangarei, with connections to the North Island gas pipeline network and a liquids pipeline to Auckland.

  • This collection of datasets contains the 1:50 000 geological data for the Middlemarch area, East Otago, New Zealand (Topo50 sheet CD16). They spatially represents an interpretation of geological and geophysical information compiled from new field work and existing data. The mapping frame for the majority of datasets is defined as surface geology (i.e. the bedrock and superficial deposits that would be visible if the overlying soil was removed or are exposed at the topographic surface). The data structure complies with the GeoSciML Portrayal standard where one exists and fields required by that standard were populated using the CGI Controlled Vocabulary (2012-11). The data should not be used at scales beyond that for which it was prepared. The spatial accuracy is estimated to be no better than +/- 100 m. The datasets were produced by GNS Science and are associated with Martin, A.P.; Cox, S.C.; Smith Lyttle, B. 2016: Geology of the Middlemarch area 1:50 000. GNS Science geological map 5. Lower Hutt, New Zealand. GNS Science.

  • This dataset contains geospatial datasets for sedimentary basins in the Northwest Province (Taranaki, Deepwater Taranaki, and Reinga-Northland basins), produced and compiled as part of GNS Science's "Atlas of Petroleum Prospectivity" programme (APP). APP is synthesising the wealth of new and existing information and knowledge within GNS Science and other open-file sources, to produce a nationally-significant baseline reference dataset that summarises the current understanding of the petroleum prospectivity of New Zealand's offshore sedimentary basins. Polygon, point, and polyline features are organised thematically into Feature Datasets, each of which contains multiple Feature Classes. Raster datasets are included at the highest hierarchical level of the database. The co-ordinate system used for the database is New Zealand Transverse Mercator, based on the NZGD2000 datum. Database compilation was undertaken using ArcGIS 10.3.1 for Desktop (version For further information on these data, please refer to: Arnot, M.J. and Bland, K.J. et al. (Compilers), 2016. Atlas of Petroleum Prospectivity, Northwest Province: ArcGIS geodatabase and technical report. GNS Science Data Series 23b.

  • Supplementary Data Table 1 Otago and Marlborough schist, detrital zircon ages of schist protoliths U-Th-Pb isotopic ratios, measured and common-Pb corrected detrital zircon ages A) Western Otago: Samples 1-18 B) Marlborough: Samples 19-30 Supplementary Data Table 2 U-Pb zircon age data, southern New England Orogen granite suites: Samples 1-6 Key Points • Original protoliths are recognisable within the Haast Schist of New Zealand on the basis of distinctive detrital zircon age patterns. • The Aspiring Lithological Association (Otago Schist) of western Otago, is correlated with a similar belt of schistose rocks (Marlborough Schist) in western Marlborough, and both are assigned to a Waipapa Composite Terrane protolith of Jurassic to Late Triassic age. • The Jurassic-Late Triassic sandstones within Waipapa Composite Terrane are dominantly of granitoid provenance in eastern Australia. • Detrital zircons of Carboniferous age in Waipapa Composite Terrane support a possible New England Orogen provenance in northeastern NSW and southeastern Queensland, and also indicate possible primary sources for the gold and tungsten in the western Otago Schist and western Marlborough Schist. • This result is in marked contrast to eastern Otago Schist where the protolith is Rakaia Terrane of Late Triassic age and whose provenance is in central-eastern Queensland.

  • LiDAR was commissioned by Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand on behalf of GNS Science, Environment Canterbury Regional Council, Marlborough District Council, Kaikoura District Council, Hurunui District Council, Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, and the Earthquake Commission for earthquake recovery purposes for Kaikōura. LiDAR was captured by AAM Ltd after the 14 November 2016 earthquake. The dataset was generated by AAM and their subcontractors. Data management and distribution is by Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand Survey Date: 03/12/2016 - 06/01/2017 Point Cloud Data are available through OpenTopography ( Prepared DEM files are available through the LINZ Data Service ( Coordinate System: Horizontal: NZTM2000 NZGD2000 version 20160701 Vertical: NZVD2016 Imagery is supplied in terms of NZTM NZGD2000 version 20160701. The ground sample distance of the orthophotos is 20cm. Cite data as: GNS Science, Environment Canterbury Regional Council, Marlborough District Council, Kaikōura District Council, Hurunui District Council, Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, Earthquake Commission, Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) (2022). Kaikōura, Canterbury, New Zealand 2016. Collected by AAM, distributed by OpenTopography and LINZ.

  • This is a working unpublished document based on the NZMS260 Map Series, and is a precursor to the publication of QMAP geological map 11 Wairarapa. Map, pencil on transparency, rich in detail, in excellent condition. - Observation measure: equal parts interpretation and observation. - Map size: A1. Keywords: PALMERSTON NORTH; QMAP; STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY

  • This is a working unpublished document based on the NZMS260 Map Series, and is a precursor to the publication of QMAP geological map 15 Aoraki. Map, pencil and ink on transparency, rich in detail, good condition. - Observation measure: Equal parts observation and interpretation. - Map size: 450 x 250 mm. - Notes: This is an interpretation overlay of Whitehouse, Brown & McLean 1983 map of the Palmer Range and Rakaia River. Scale has been slightly adjusted from original map. Keywords: MOUNT COOK (AORAKI); GEOLOGIC MAPS; QMAP; ARROWSMITH RANGE; COLERIDGE; PALMER RANGE; RAKAIA RIVER; QUATERNARY; STRUCTURE