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  • Data in binary and Receiver Independent Exchange Format (RINEX) from the New Zealand continuous GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) network. Data accessible here: Data are available for the days surrounding major geologic events from 2013 to present. High rate GNSS data are manually retrieved, so there is no guarantee that data will be available after every event. Data are available as raw andRINEX files at 1 second and 0.1 second sampling rates. All events will have 1 second data available. 0.1 second data are available for significant earthquake events and for nearfield stations. Please refer to the GeoNet website for more details on available events: Information about the GeoNet Geodetic Network can be found here: Site metadata can be found within the delta repository and data tutorials can be found here: DOI: Cite as: GNS Science. (2021). GeoNet Aotearoa New Zealand Continuous GNSS Network Event High Rate (Raw and RINEX files) [Data set]. GNS Science. Data are from the GeoNet and PositioNZ ( GNSS networks, with contribution from Otago University ( and NIWA ( GNSS stations.