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  • "GeoNet Aotearoa New Zealand Stations Metadata Repository" is a relational database providing information about current and past instruments forming the GeoNet's continuously recording sensor network. The database contains information around networks, station geographical location, installed scientific equipment and their deployment history, calibration files and essential information about the physical environment in which those instruments are located. Stations metadata are provided in tabular format and information about different type of networks might be integrated and combined in the same file or group of files. The database is maintained and curated by GNS Science through the GeoNet programme. It covers a time range that precedes the programme and contains metadata of recording stations that were operating in the early 20th century. The database structure is not domain specific, and it is published in a version controlled system. The "GeoNet Aotearoa New Zealand stations metadata repository" is archived and publicly available and commonly referred to as "delta". This dataset is funded by the New Zealand Government through its agencies: DOI : 10.21420/0VY2-C144 Cite as: GNS Science. (2019). GeoNet Aotearoa New Zealand Stations Metadata Repository [Data set]. GNS Science, GeoNet.

  • On 5 March 2021, at 2.27 AM local time (4 March 2021, 13:27:34 UTC), a Mw 7.3 earthquake woke up the North Island of New Zealand with strong and long shaking. Its epicentre was located about 170 km NE offshore Gisborne in the Hikurangi subduction zone. This was the first tsunami of a triplet occurring on the same day. The tsunami propagated from the source region to the north shore of New Zealand, with a very localised and limited impact. Maximum amplitudes of ~32.3 cm and ~6.6 cm were respectively recorded at East Cape (LOTT) and North Cape (NCPT) coastal tsunami gauges, located ~105 km and ~660 km away from the epicentre. At 6.41 AM (17:41:23 UTC), 4 hours and 14 minutes later, another earthquake triggered a tsunami in the southwestern Pacific region with a magnitude Mw 7.4 earthquake. This was located further north (~ 900 km) than the previous one, 50 km south of Raoul Island (New Zealand) on the Kermadec subduction zone. At 8.28 AM (19:28:33 UTC), 1 hour and 47 minutes later, a Mw 8.1 earthquake occurred very close to the earlier Mw 7.4 earthquake, 80 km southeast of Raoul Island. It triggered a third tsunami that was recorded on New Zealand DART stations and coastal gauges, and all around the Pacific Ocean. Those data presents the arrival times and amplitudes of the first and third tsunamis on the New Zealand coastal gauges. DOI: Cite data as: GNS Science. (2021). Pacific Ocean sea-level records of the 5 March 2021 triplet of tsunamis [Data set]. GNS Science.

  • This record describes airborne electromagnetics surveys flown by SkyTEM in New Zealand

  • The Cape Egmont Fault Zone in the southern Taranaki Basin, New Zealand, is a complex series of synthetic and antithetic dip-slip normal faults accommodating present-day extension. The fault zone comprises new and reactivated faults developed over multiple phases of plate boundary deformation during the last 100 Myrs. The fault zone is well imaged on petroleum industry seismic reflection data, with a number of faults exposed and studied onshore. The Cape Egmont Fault Zone is seismically active, with damaging historic earthquakes of up to Mw 5.4. Most earthquakes occur beneath the Late Cretaceous to Holocene sedimentary sequence at depths greater than 5–8 km. The maximum depth of fault rupture is c. 20 km, above which 90% of recorded earthquakes occur. Focal mechanisms from these earthquakes generally indicate strike-slip to oblique-normal faulting, which contrasts with the predominantly dip-slip faulting observed in the overlying sedimentary sequence and surface fault traces. Data from regional earthquake studies and petroleum well deformation show faults imaged in the sedimentary sequence to be preferentially oriented for slip in the present-day stress field. The greatest earthquake risk is on major basement-penetrating crustal-scale faults greater than 20 km in length. Fault lengths and maximum vertical offsets of the sedimentary sequence, determined from a three-dimensional structural model, are consistent with global displacement-length scaling relationships. This validation permits fault lengths to be used to determine potential future earthquake magnitudes using global fault length-magnitude relationships. Fault lengths of post-Pliocene normal faults are typically ≤21 km, resulting in maximum predicted magnitudes Mw 6.3. The most likely earthquake magnitude from the fault population sampled is Mw 5.4 ± 0.5. The largest and most mature fault – the Cape Egmont Fault – is at least 53 km long and, depending on the number of segments ruptured during a future event, is capable of generating an earthquake between Mw 7 and 7.3. New sub-surface radiometric ages constraining the age of the ring plain created by Taranaki Maunga and its predecessors support 3 Myrs of continuous volcanism in the region. Hornblende from 14 igneous samples from onshore petroleum exploration wells have yielded 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages ranging from c. 2.9 Ma to 0.15 Ma. Seven 40Ar/39Ar samples from near the base of the Taranaki Maunga ring plain (previously dated at <0.2 Ma) ranged from 0.515 Ma in the Kapuni-15 well on the south side of Taranaki to 0.39 Ma in Rahotu-1 on the western side. These data suggest that surficial volcanism, including Taranaki Maunga, initiated between 0.5 to 0.4 Ma. DOI: Cite data as: Seebeck H, Thrasher GP, Viskovic GPD, Macklin C, Bull S, Wang X, Nicol A, Holden C, Kaneko Y, Mouslopoulou V, Begg JG. 2021. Geologic, earthquake and tsunami modelling of the active Cape Egmont Fault Zone. Lower Hutt (NZ): GNS Science. 370 p. (GNS Science report; 2021/06). doi:10.21420/100K-VW73. (with data available at DOI: Thrasher GP, Viskovic GPD, Sagar M, Seebeck H. 2024. Subsurface igneous rocks of the Taranaki Peninsula. Lower Hutt (NZ): GNS Science. 77 p. (GNS Science report; 2023/47). (with data available at DOI:

  • This report and associated data presents a new and provisional estimate of the maximum depth of rupture on New Zealand’s active faults (“New Zealand Fault-Rupture Depth Model v1.0”) based on a combination of two independent models. The first model uses regional seismicity distribution from a relocated earthquake catalogue to calculate the 90% seismicity cut-off depth (D90) representing the seismogenic depth limit H. This is multiplied by an overshoot factor representing dynamic propagation of rupture into the conditional stability zone and accounting for the difference between regional seismicity depths and frictional properties of a mature fault zone, to arrive at rupture depth Df. The second model uses surface heat-flow and rock type to compute thermal stability limits for seismogenic faults. These limits are also multiplied by an overshoot factor to arrive at a thermally-based maximum rupture depth Df. Both models have depth cut-offs at the Moho and/or subducting slabs. Results indicate maximum rupture depths between 8 km (Taupō Volcanic Zone) to > 30 km (e.g. southwest North Island), strongly correlated with regional thermal gradients. Preliminary estimates of uncertainties for each model are also discussed. Depths from the two models show broad agreement for most of the North Island and some differences in the South Island. A combined model using weighting based on relative uncertainties is derived and validated using constraints from hypocentre and slip model depths from recent well-instrumented earthquakes. (auth) DOI: Cite data as: Ellis SM, Bannister S, Van Dissen RJ, Eberhart-Phillips D, Holden C, Boulton C, Reyners ME, Funnell RH, Mortimer N, Upton P. 2021. New Zealand Fault Rupture Depth Model v1.0: a provisional estimate of the maximum depth of seismic rupture on New Zealand’s active faults. Lower Hutt (NZ): GNS Science. 47 p. (GNS Science report; 2021/08). doi:10.21420/4Q75-HZ73. (with data set available at DOI:

  • This dataset contains age tracer concentrations as measured in NZ groundwater samples through time. Tracers include Tritium, SF6, CFCs, Halon-1301. These tracer concentrations enable estimation of groundwater residence time, using mixing models to convolute input to output concentrations through hydrologic systems (e.g. aquifer, river catchment). Data are continuously added, to cover more areas, and because time series data improve the robustness of age interpretation DOI: Cite as: GNS Science. (2021). Groundwater age tracer data set [Data set]. GNS Science.

  • This hydrogeological system GIS dataset provide a nationally-consistent basis for hydrogeological mapping in New Zealand. Hydrogeological systems are defined here as geographical areas with broadly-consistent hydrogeological properties, and similar resource pressures and management issues. The ‘NZ_hydrogeologicalsystem_polygon.shp’ provides seven hydrogeological attributes as follows: unique name (HS_name), unique identification (HS_id), system type (HS_type), coastal information (HS_coast), aquifer overview (HS_overview), geology and age group (HS_geo_gr) and geology and age descriptor (HS_geo_age). Nine system types are identified (see figure below). The ‘NZ_hydrogeologicalsystem_boundary.shp’ attribute table identifies, the source and methods of boundary delineation. Attribute names, descriptions and values for both datasets are detailed in Moreau et al. 2019. DOI: Cite as: GNS Science. (2018). New Zealand Hydrogeological Systems [Data set]. GNS Science.

  • This database documents fluctuations in the Earth's regional (New Zealand) magnetic field measured before the age of digital records. New Zealand operates magnetic observatories in Canterbury (the Eyrewell Geomagnetic Observatory located at West Melton) and Scott Base in Antarctica, and supports the Apia observatory in Samoa. Observatories in the present days provide a record of temporal changes of the magnetic field, recording the three components of the magnetic field every second. Eyrewell (EYR), Scott Base (SBA) and Apia (API) geomagnetic observatories.

  • The Aquifer Potential Map is a preliminary map (version 1.0). This work was carried out as part of the GNS Science Groundwater Resources of New Zealand research programme, and future plans within this research programme include the refinement and update of this map. In its current form, the map is considered suitable for refining surficial aquifer boundaries on the regional scale where these boundaries have not been updated since 2001. Future updates of the dataset will reduce the uncertainty and extend the applicability of the data set. The New Zealand 1:250,000 geological map (QMAP) lithological and chrono-stratigraphic information (i.e., main rock type; geological age; and secondary rock type) were used to carry out a nationwide assessment of surficial hydrogeological units and their properties. A number of subsequent map products were produced. The work is described in Tschritter et al. 2017. One of these, the Aquifer Potential map, shows a good match with the most recent New Zealand national aquifer boundary dataset of Moreau and Bekele (2015). Additionally, the Aquifer Potential map provides a quick and simple way to communicate basic large-scale hydrogeological information. DOI: Cite data as: GNS Science. (2017). New Zealand Aquifer Potential Map Version 1.0 [Data set]. GNS Science. Cite report as: Tschritter, C.; Westerhoff, R.S.; Rawlinson, Z.J.; White, P.A. 2017 Aquifer classification and mapping at the national scale - phase 1 : identification of hydrogeological units. Lower Hutt, N.Z.: GNS Science. GNS Science report 2016/51. 52 p.; doi: 10.21420/G2101S [Link to electronic copy]

  • The purpose of the New Zealand Geothermal Analytical Laboratory (NZGAL) Information Management System, is for recording and storing all information related to sample information and results pertaining to samples received by NZGAL. NZGAL contains: 1. Paper records relating to sample submission, client correspondence, sample treatment, measurement, results and internal operations documents (SOP’s and Quality Manual). 2. Digital database and associated files: QLIMS database. Digital database records for sample details pertaining to sample reception to measurement to results 2011 to present. Gas database. MS Access database for recording geothermal gas analysis and calculations 3. Internal digital and paper-based data relating to ongoing data quality control, measurement output and internal procedures. DOI: Cite as: GNS Science. (2021). New Zealand Geothermal Analytical Laboratory Information Management System (NZGAL) [Data set]. GNS Science.