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  • Continuous data recorded by New Zealand's Geomagnetic Observatories SBA processed at 1-minute sampling and baseline (absolute values) corrected. The data is being submitted to INTERMAGNET annually (submitted by July 1st for the previous year’s data Jan 1 to 31 Dec). SBA data since 1-Jan-1996 Before the definitive data for each year is being published via INTERMAGNET an international multi-step reviewing process is being applied to ensure international standards are being met. DOI Cite as: GNS Science. (1996). Definitive 1-minute Scott Base (SBA ) data [Data set]. GNS Science, INTERMAGNET.

  • 2018 Definitive 1-minute Eyrewell (EYR) data is continuous 1-second data recorded by New Zealand's Geomagnetic Observatories EYR in 2018 that was processed at 1-minute sampling, cleaned (spikes removed) and baseline (absolute values) corrected. The data was submitted to INTERMAGNET in July 2019 and passed the INTERMAGNET reviewing process. DOI Cite as: GNS Science, Petersen, T., Plank, G., & Plank, J. (2019). 2018 Definitive 1-minute Eyrewell (EYR) data [Data set]. INTERMAGNET.

  • 2016 Definitive 1-minute Apia (API) data is continuous 1-second data recorded by New Zealand's Geomagnetic Observatory Apia in 2016 that was processed at 1-minute sampling, cleaned (spikes removed) and baseline (absolute values) corrected. The data was submitted to INTERMAGNET in July 2017 and passed the INTERMAGNET reviewing process. DOI Cite as: Petersen, T., GNS Science, Samoa Meteorology Division, & USGS. (2017). 2016 Definitive 1-minute Apia (API) data. GNS Science, INTERMAGNET.

  • 2015 Definitive 1-minute Apia (API) data is continuous 1-second data recorded by New Zealand's Geomagnetic Observatory Apia in 2015 that was processed at 1-minute sampling, cleaned (spikes removed) and baseline (absolute values) corrected. The data was submitted to INTERMAGNET in July 2016 and passed the INTERMAGNET reviewing process. DOI Cite as: Petersen, T., GNS Science, Samoa Meteorology Division, & USGS. (2016). 2015 Definitive 1-minute Apia (API) data. GNS Science, INTERMAGNET.

  • 2014 Definitive 1-minute Scott Base (SBA) data is continuous 1-second data recorded by New Zealand's Geomagnetic Observatories SBA in 2014 that was processed at 1-minute sampling, cleaned (spikes removed) and baseline (absolute values) corrected. The data was submitted to INTERMAGNET in July 2015 and passed the INTERMAGNET reviewing process. DOI: Cite as: Petersen, T., & GNS Science. (2015). 2014 Definitive 1-minute Scott Base (SBA) data [Data set]. INTERMAGNET.

  • 2017 Definitive 1-minute Scott Base (SBA) data is continuous 1-second data recorded by New Zealand's Geomagnetic Observatories SBA in 2017 that was processed at 1-minute sampling, cleaned (spikes removed) and baseline (absolute values) corrected. The data was submitted to INTERMAGNET in July 2018 and passed the INTERMAGNET reviewing process. DOI: Cite as: Petersen, T., & GNS Science. (2018). 2017 Definitive 1-minute Scott Base (SBA) data [Data set]. INTERMAGNET.

  • K-index values calculated from Amberley (AML) and Eyrewell Geomagnetic Observatory (EYR) data. The K-index is a measure of disturbances in the Earth’s magnetic field which was introduced by Bartels et al. (1939), that is recognised as a good indication of the strength of magnetic storm activity caused by the sun. It is based on the maximum fluctuations of horizontal components recorded in each 3-hour interval, so there are eight values each day. The scale is from 0 to 9, in an approximately logarithmic fashion, with the nT value required for the maximum value of 9 being a parameter of the observatory. Originally the fluctuations were measured on paper chart records, measuring short-term variations by subtracting the effects of the slower daily variations, but with digital records, algorithms are used to calculate only the effects of short-term variations. At Eyrewell, the manual method was used up until 1995, while from 1996 onwards, an algorithm developed by Hattingh et al (1989) at the Hermanus Magnetic Observatory was used (Tomlinson, 1995). The Hemanus algorithm is available from the website Available data: Amberley (AML) 1951 – 1977 Eyrewell (EYR) 1978 – present 1932 – 1977 planetary Kp values ( were produced based on data from the Amberley observatory as a representative for the Southern Hemisphere. Toolangi only joined in 1972 (and was replaced by Canberra in 1981). DOI: Cite as: GNS Science, & Hurst , T. (2021). EYR k-index values [Data set]. GNS Science.

  • 2020 Definitive 1-minute Scott Base (SBA) data is continuous 1-second data recorded by New Zealand's Geomagnetic Observatories SBA in 2020 that was processed at 1-minute sampling, cleaned (spikes removed) and baseline (absolute values) corrected. The data was submitted to INTERMAGNET in July 2021 and passed the INTERMAGNET reviewing process. DOI Cite as: Thornton, M., Tran, H., McGaw, J., Dobson, W. (2020). 2020 Definitive 1-minute Scott Base (SBA) data [Dataset]. GNS Science, INTERMAGNET.

  • 1999-2013 Definitive 1-minute Apia (API) data is continuous 1-second data recorded by New Zealand's Geomagnetic Observatory Apia in the period between 1999-2013 that was processed at 1-minute sampling, cleaned (spikes removed) and baseline (absolute values) corrected. The data was submitted to INTERMAGNET in July of the following year and passed the INTERMAGNET reviewing process. DOI Cite as: GNS Science, Samoa Meteorology Division, & USGS . (2014). 1999-2013 Definitive 1-minute Apia (API) data. GNS Science, INTERMAGNET.

  • 2021 Definitive 1-minute Scott Base (SBA) data is continuous 1-second data recorded by New Zealand's Geomagnetic Observatories SBA in 2021 that was processed at 1-minute sampling, cleaned (spikes removed) and baseline (absolute values) corrected following INTERMAGNET guidelines. The data was submitted to INTERMAGNET in May 2022 and passed the INTERMAGNET reviewing process. DOI Cite as: Thornton, M., McGaw, J., Tran, H., Shaw, S. (2021). 2021 Definitive 1-minute Scott Base (SBA) data. GNS Science, INTERMAGNET.